“Here’s a picture taken in the early sixties on Lawrence Ave. Maybe someone can identify the exact location from the signs. The guys on the bike are Pete Walver, later the president of the Chicago Outlaws and on the back Angelo Lombardi, later found murdered gangland style for what were rumored to be transgressions with some guy’s wife…
We all hung out together just west of Kimball on Lawrence, north side of the street. There were enough bikes and we made enough trouble that the police started to harass us, coming by nightly and writing noise tickets and tickets for parking the bikes in a group in one or two spaces all pointed out into the street.
After a few weeks of this we got a lawyer and one night parked each motor in its own parking spot, using up the entire block to park a few motorcycles. When the cops came and started to hassle us the lawyer stepped in and reminded the cops we were citizens too. I don’t remember the exact outcome but we had peace again for a while, Chicago style.” — Andy Romanoff
Like me, Andy Romanoff grew up in Hollywood Park, attended Peterson Elementary School, and bought penny candy at the Hollywood Bowl. His was an earlier time, but not so different. The greasers of his day were the freaks of mine, and the police were never far from sight.
Read more Albany Park Memories
If you’d like to check out Andy Romanoff”s more recent photographs, and you should, visit his website.
Hi Francis,
well here we go, another year. As always i am astonished at how this post continues to generate new comments!
Now I’m wondering if I know Jackie or where we might have intersected so can you please put me in touch with her?
I hope all is well with you and yours,
Hi Frances,
Your suggestion is wise, and I appreciate it. That is probably why I am getting mail advertising viagra. Can you delete the email I placed in my notes on your blog?
Thank you!!
Jackie, thanks for your comment. this sounds like an interesting story. In the way blogs are set up, your email address is not visible to readers, only to me as the moderator and owner of the blog. I do not recommend publishing your email address on a blog, because you’ll end up receiving a great deal of spam. May I suggest that anyone who wishes to contact you use the contact form of my blog, and I will forward their note to you. then you can exchange emails privately for further information about these events and those involved.
Thanks Andy and Irv.
Sarita and Nicki/Sandy were at the party when Harold was shot. The latter told me the story, so I found the article in the tribune. There wasn’t much detail and didn’t even mention that he had died, so perhaps he didn’t die right away.
Harold had introduced Nicki/Sandy to skin poppers and it was downhill from there. From the time Harold was shot to the time she returned to Chicago years later, her history is a blur.
I’m trying to retrace Nicki/Sandy’s steps and establish locations and friends/acquaintances. Anyone remember any Croatians from the north side. A possible Croatian last name would be Punda or a Croatian name ending in ić or ich. Please contact me using the contact form on this blog. Your email will be forwarded to me.
Irv you beat me to it:) It’s Sarita Stokes. There is a Sarita on Facebook but I don’t know if she is the right one.
Jackie, I don’t remember Sandy or Nicki, sorry.
Harolds sisters name was Serita
Does anyone remember a girl named Sandra Wesson? She may have gone by the name Sandy and went out with Harold Stokes and was friends with his sister, but I don’t know Harold’s sister’s name. If anyone remembers Harold’s sister, I’d love to see her.
How about Nicki Black? Anyone remember her? She also hung out with Harold and his sister. Thanks!
Hi, Phil. Thanks for stopping by and I’m glad you found so many familiar names here.
Wow can’t believe I’m reading all about my old neighborhood and many names I recall. I live at 4839 N St Louis from 5 years old1957-1972. It was the very best area to grow up in. My best friends were Jeffrey Tenczar, Larry, ‘little Greg’ (my brother was big Greg) Guy Kusero, Steve Goldfien and soooo many others. Went to Our Lady of Mercy, Hibbard and Von Stubben. I was just telling my wife (an Orange County CA girl) about Deborah’s Boy Club) and came across this site. We live in Newport Beach Ca. Bob & Ikey Tenczar were great to hear about. I tried to find Jeff a couple years ago when I came back to Chicago but no luck. I loved everyone.
thanks for dropping by! More stories, please.
Hi all. …….this is ikey tenczar. (From the famous ikey and bob got married)…..bob and I often talk about Paul Cohen. But we could never track him down…..don’t know anyone who knows where he is. All these stories are great. So many memories……would love to see all these people again. Let’s do it!
Hi Gene,
Last I heard Paul was living here in LA somewhere in the valley. I don’t have any contact info. Don’t know anything about the other guys. Maybe Ikey Tenczar might know or know someone who might.
What ever happened to Paul Cohen, Ricky Foreman, Billy Lowenthal, Harry Stein. All bike riders, all good friends?
Hi Ed,
I’ve been down the same road. The Curtis who passed in 83 would have been too young. I’m 73 and he was 3 to 5 years older than me. Have you connected with the Golden Gloves program to get his exact age and name? With those a census bureau check might get you an address. Even without it you might get an address that way. Good luck and please let me know what you find. Curtis was a great guy.
Hello Andy
His name is Ed Davis… He used to box at the Armory for the Golden Gloves along with Curtis. He told me the story about how Curtis was shot after a fight one night and was really never the same after that. I’ve tried my best to look him up on the Internet and found 2 people by the name in their 70’s here in Chicago. The problem is both phone numbers are disconnected. I also found a Curtis Whithead who was born in 1941 and who passed in Sept 1983 here in Chicago. In any case they were very close friends. Any news on his whereabouts would really be great. Thanks for taking the time to reply to my question. Let’s hope someone knows what happened to him.
Hi Ed,
So small world, I was just asking someone else about Curtis just today (no luck). Who is your fiancé’s father? It has to be someone I know.
Does anyone here know the whereabouts of Curtis Whitehead and if he’s still with us. My fiancé’s father was close friends with Curt and would like to know where he may be today – god willing he’s still with us. Any help would really be appreciated!
I learned pool, ping pong, soccer, etc. at Deborah. It kept me out of the Alley. Something like a community center is much needed today. Later, when I was a senior at Roosevelt HS, I hung out at Bob Kortum’s Pool Hall on Kedzie a door up from Leland. Bob definitely was a very nice guy (I used to clean the felt tables with a soft brush at the end of the day for free pool/billiards. He wasalso a champion three cushio billiard player. http://archives.chicagotribune.com/1964/01/27/page/46/article/bob-kortum-wins-in-billiards-50-34
Steve, Your apologies are not necessary. Frankly, your ability to remember those details is astounding! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your kind words about me and my classes. Yes music appreciation was an important part of my classes. Looking back on those days Haugan was a very special school that truly emphasized and encouraged academics and excellence. For you to feel that the 7th grade was so meaningful makes me feel quite proud of you and that I had a role in it.
As I reflect back, both Haugan and Deborah Boys Club gave me wonderful times and rewarding experiences. If you care to, please feel free to email me at my current home in California use: benship@cox.net. Thank you again for sharing your memories and kind thoughts. All the best.
Ben Shipin
Mr. Shipin sorry sorry sorry this got somehow buried in my email. I remember you as the science and math guy in the 7th grade triumvirate. You had the flat top that was popular in those day, although a little fuller than most. Your appearance was athletic and you weren’t all that much older than us kids, and were as close to universally liked as a teacher in a big city school can be. Working at Deborah Boys Club was also advantageous to you, a some of the kids already knew and liked you. Now about the question. There was a music teacher I remember as Mrs (Miss?) Heller who taught us song and the like. However one day, as I recall you were doing a musical appreciation thing, perhaps filling in for the regular music teacher, or perhaps you were just doing it. Things were more free form in the classroom back then. Anyway, as I remember it, you put on Dmitri Tomkins Wild is the Wind from the movie of the same name. I immediately recognized it, my mother and aunt were into music big time and I heard lots of different types of music because of their influence. You asked the class if anyone knew it. I hoped someone else would answer as I didn’t want to appear as a nerd although no one knew what that meant back then. No one raised their hand so I did and identified the song. In any case, 7th grade was the highlight of my academic career until college and grad school. Of all the schools I attended Haugan is the only one near and dear to my heart.
Hi Steve,
How nice to hear from you after all the years! I certainly remember the days at Haugen with Mr. Almquist and Mr. Pace. What a cast of unique characters we were. I’m sure no one will ever forget Mrs. Sadie Kalman, who cracked the whip like no one I have ever met.
I sort of recall the incident about the question I asked. After all that was a heck of a long time ago. Do you remember the question?
I live in Laguna Niguel , California and am just about 79 years old. . You mentioned a masters degree, what is the field? Please feel free to look me up if you are ever in my part of the country. Take care and thanks again for the remembrances.
Ben Shipin
Mr Shipin I never forgot about you. In 7th grade 62-63 Mr. Almquist was our homeroom and we spent time with you and Mr. Pace. I remember one particular class you asked a question and no one would answer. I thought I knew the answer raised my hand and it was correct. I wanted to get off on the right track with you and felt comfortable in your class for the rest of the year. 7th grade was my academic peak until grad school. I was really knocking it out of the park that year. I hope the years have been kind to you and that you are well.
brian i held you in my arms the week you came home after being born.i practically lived at maury;s i lived across the street 4731 n lawndale.is your mom still living? you had fabulous parents.
Maury was a great man and a good friend; he always had an open ear to listen to the kids problems and joys.I started to go to Maury’s when he had the Shack on Lawndale and followed him to Lawrence and Lawndale and finally to Lawrence and Central Park. Great memories of him and the interesting characters I met at his great hotdog store. I have a childhood of stories about the crazy stuff that happened there. RIP
Sorry for the delay in posting your comment. I’ve been busy with the holidays. That is very cool that you found this photo of your father’s store on my blog. I am putting together a list of Lawrence Avenue businesses, so will include your father’s store. Thanks for visiting and happy new year!
Guys – That picture was taken in front of my dad’s store, Maury’s (3544 W. Lawrence) – he always used those circular pieces of cardboard seen in the windows for advertising. Also remembered (and enjoyed) some of the folks mentioned in these remembrances…
Brian Andes
The Woodlands, TX
You guys are a blast from the past. I spent my first 8 years in Albany park. My brother, who was 10 years older was much more involved in the community. I do distinctly remember a name you mentioned…..Larry Zaretzky. I know about his families fish store and my brother was good friends with him. As a matter of fact, when I turned 14, and was flying to Phoenix (parents and I moved there but I went before them) Larry took us to the airport. I remember that he was such a sweet guy.
Well I’m alive and care enough to fly in if this happens. If we get a few of us on board I’m hoping more will join in later.
Andy, Carl G and I met to discuss the reunion. Most of the people that I knew are either dead, live out of state, out of country, or just don’t give a shit. Gene S
Just checking in to hear about any updates on a reunion this spring. Looks like I can get to Chicago from May 1st on and I’d love to be there for this. Any news?
I just return to this web site for the first time in almost a year.
Some of my old friends are talking about having an Albany Park Reunion.
I will be on this site weekly to see where and when.
Carl, if you’re planning a reunion count Harvey and me in. We were at the last one. If you need help let me know at ItsMicki@att.net.
Hi Sharon,
I never did skate at Riverview. The other rink that wound up as a training center for the roller derby was Arcadia. That one also burnt down. Rinks started closing left and right.
Riverview park and I were very good friends. In fact I have a number of framed photos and tickets from all the rides. They could have named the last seat on the “BOBS” after me. I’d get on with a roll of quarters and never get off. A great place to take a date.
Sol: Good to hear from you. Here’s our email address: cargold98@yahoo.com. This way we could communicate directly.
Hi Sol! I also skated there every weekend I could–I was only 8 years old when I started there–would have been 1954–but I remember it not lasting long so I started to go to Riverview Roller Rink–I loved the music–I remember Ernie Ford singing “16 Tons”-was a great song to skate like a maniac!!–went with my brother but mostly by myself-do you know the year it closed? did you go to Riverview?
I had to chime in with the name of the roller rink across from the Alba Bowling Lanes. It was the Holiday Roller Rink. Next to it was the “Twins” resturant. I washed dises there after school (Von) to earn enough to get into the roller rink. Evantually bought my own skates and while all the other guys were playing baseball, football etc I was off to the roller derby. Who would have thunk it :). Everyone that contributes really stirs up some great memories. I visit this site often. It was good to see Car;’s name. I promised him that we would get together and we need to do that.
I apologize for the dlay in approving your post. Was away for a few days, but I’m sure Carl will see your name here.
I’ve been away for a few days and look what I’ve missed! Andy, I owe you a call and that will happen in a day or two. I volunteer my website to help coordinate your plans, photos, planning.
Be in touch soon.
Hey Carl,
Yep, it’s me Sol. If you ever get to do the Albany Park reunion please count me in. Hi to Linda and call me.
Boy, this is great. I’m in the home stretch of an exhibition of my photos opening next week so not till then but after I’m excited about working with you guys to plan something.
a couple of thoughts,
One, for the out-of-towners it would be nice if we did it at some lakefront hotel so we could be close to the old neighborhood and the Chicago we remember.
Two, again for the out-of-towners (at least) it would be great to schedule some time to meet in the old neighborhood and walk Kedzie to Kimball. I’d bet it stirs up a lot of old memories.
Three, I’d love to get everyone looking through their old pictures. if we can get a collection of them with names and dates up on the web it will help at least my foggy memory.
I,m in Carl; let’s have some lunch at the Broken oar and discuss it. Let me know your schedule.
Well, let’s make it official. An Albany Park reunion (58-62)ish. Plans are for next spring, no date set. I Just got off the phone with Andy Romanoff who I haven’t spoken to in 40+ years and now lives in L.A. He wants to do this along with many others. We’ve been threating to do this for a while now, let’s try. Name tags with high school pictures would help at first but after a couple of drinks, no problem. We need suggestions, photographs, etc.
Andy and Harvey — Keep us in the loop if plans develop! I agree, Andy, there is enormous affection for the neighborhood. A bunch of us who hung out at Hollywood park in the early ’70s get together at the Park every summer. We stand around as we always did and time just stops for a couple hours — it’s very fun.
Andy, I would definitely try to help if we could get a local group together to work on it. Gene (Senator bullfrog) Roosevelt 61
Andy, let me see if I can find that invitation to the kimball and
Lawrence reunion. Micki (I was Von ’63).
Hi Frances and Harvey,
Harvey, after you spoke with Bill he called me and we traded stories for an hour. What a pleasure. Frances, Bill doesn’t use the internet but if you want a guy with great stories and an excellent memory Bill’s your man.
Once again I’m struck by the amount of affection we all share for this place and time. I live in LA or I’d try to put a corner reunion together myself but if there is someone there who has the time and energy to do it I’d help and come to shoot portraits and maybe film interviews so all the stories could have a long life. Anybody?
Hi, Bill and Harvey. I’ll make sure Andy and Carl see your message.
Hey Carl and Andy,
Bill Day ,another Outlaw, says hi. Traded motorcycles for 12 grand kids and 5 great grand kids. Good trade. Harvey richmond also says hi. (No grand kids, no motorcycle but a 57 Chevy)
Back around 1953 or 1953, when saw around 6 or 7 years old, I was walking down Ainslie, and near the corner of Ainslie and either Albany or Troy, I saw five teens in a row side-by-side wearing jackets that had “Hellcats” inscribed on the back. They were wallking in such a way that hand of one guy covered up the “cat” of the guy to his right, so that it looked like their jackets were saying “Hell…Hell. Hell…Hell…Hellcats”. I thought then that was really cool.
Jim. That’s great news. If you recall any old stories about the place, feel free to contribute.
Will be there for Sanitarium Walk
Likewise. It was a fun night. I wish I had seen everyone who was there–I missed a few friends.
Hi Francis,it’s been awhile since we talked. Just wanted to let you know that my wife Wendy&her cousin were @ the Von reunion&were glad they had a chance to meet you. Jim Cash
Hi, Mike. Friday, October 12 at 7 pm is the Von reunion. Entrance through the auditorium doors at the far north end. $10 per ticket. free butter cookies. I’m guessing Roosevelt had the same cookies at lunch that Von did.
I know it’s a little late for this thread, but I wanted to add a personal experience regarding the Kimball “L” station.
On occasion, some friends and I used to meet for coffee and burgers at the Terminal Grill (when it was just north of Lawrence on the east side of Kimball) in 1976-77. One Saturday night in 1974, we sat and yakked until about 3 AM, which wasn’t unusual for us. We finally got tired and left. I was living too far away to drive home, as I was drowsy, so I crashed at my folks’ place on St. Louis ave. (I had a key so I wouldn’t wake them).
As I walked across Lawrence and then to the west across Kimball, past the “L” station’s news stand, I decided that I’d get up around 9 and pick up the Sunday Trib. I did just that, and when I got to the intersection, the L station was gone. I thought I was dreaming. I was probably the last person to see the old one, except for the guys who tore it down while I slept.
Side comment: one of the people in that little group of ours was Bob Holtz, who lived on Bernard street, and we were close since we were 5 years old – he lived across the alley from me. Bob’s life came to a tragic end in August 1977, when he was electrocuted.
Frances, You are welcome. That was 56 or so years ago, I am now 76 and need some help with Deborah memories. Would love to hear from any of the kids or staff from that era.
Ben, thanks for sharing your memories of Herman. What an original. Funny about holding back 4-5 kids. I’ll have to update my posts on Deborah.
His name was Herman Baron, a great guy. During the 50’s and 60’s Herman was in charge of checking for membership cards at the front entrance to Deborah. I think he was in his sixties at that time, and was very strong. He had to be as many of the kids would try to muscle their way into the club. Herman could hold back four or five at at time which was quite a feat. Herman was quite a story teller mostly about when in his youth he was a professional prize fighter. He would come Deborah before his shift and work out by shadow boxing and running around the gym breaking into a big sweat. He told me that he had diabetes, but because of his exercise routine he avoided talking any medication and remained healthy for most of his life. He was a very gentle and kind person as I remember. I was a fellow staff member with Herman, my job was gym teacher at Deborah under Merwin Reisler and then became athletic Director in the late 50’s and early 60’s. I was also a teacher at Haugen School and a grad of Hibbard and Lane Tech. Many of the clubs and names in the various threads of this web site and Albany Park are familiar to me. It was an era that brings many fond memories. Ben Shipin
I’ve heard that everyone in Albany Park used to have a nickname.
I remember going to the Aragon Ballroom with my regular fella buddies marv Gassman, al hirsch, bert mandell, archie camberis,shelly snider and more . We had a ball! We would all meet at Marv’s house, he had the greatest parents and brother’s and then we’d look cool and do all kinds of stuff when we saw all the entertainers of the day. Marv would always arrange the schedule and he always had nicknames for everyone I was wa wa , remember pern (Errol Halperin) so many i forgot. I hope one day I’ll see my former buddies. From Paul Warshawsky Vietnam Era Veteran stationed in Germany US Army and former VP Of Bally Total Fitness for 26 years and President of Exercise Plus for 5. I’m 70 now been retired for about 5 yeaars and have been married for 46 years. 4 great kids
I saw the list disappointed not to see them, jackets were blue and gray
Jerry, thanks for visiting. Check out my list of clubs: I will add the Chevrons.
Hi everyone – Albany park, fond memories but some of the best was left out. How about all the clubs the chevrons, the funny fellows, and all the rest. How about Maries pizza, Nicks Pizza at Central Park & Lawrence. Roosevelt Hi great school I still go to most of the reunions. If i’m not mistaken Harold Stokes was shot and killed in from of his apt building as he came out. I’m still in contact with some of my cohorts, Dick Brown he lives 5 mins from me, Gary Shoeman, Teddy Weiner, Bill Segal, Bob Rosen, Jay Byron just to name a few. Friday nite at the terminal and then Cooper & Cooper for fries on the way home, what could be better than that?
Dennis, what a small world it is that you find your old next door neighbor here. Several people have mentioned Herman in the comments. Thanks for stopping by.
I want to say hello to Bobbie Danca. I agree with her about a different Albamy Park.
Yes I remember all the gang fights in River Park from the Tau Gammas. You just stayed away.
Bobbie took me to Chicago Band Stand and we started the show dancing to Johnny Cash
I walked the line. I lived at 3147 west Argyle I to went to Hibbard but the alley on side of my house was the dividing line between going to Von or Roosevelt> I lived east of the alley and I went to Roosevelt and glad I did.
I also remember Carl Goldfesky riding his bike home every night waking me up as he giunned his engine below my bedroom window..
What great times we had I belonged to both Max Strauss Center and Debroah Boys Club.
Does anyone remember Herman at Debroah who check our membership cards.
Louie got involved with the wrong people and OD’d. His mother blamed Al Mozur and asked him to leave the funeral. It was very sad saying goodbye to him
I don’t know all the facts. I do know I was shocked to read about him passing away at a really young age in the Chicago papers. Had to be late teens or early 20’s.
Louie lived on Albany and I had to pass his house when I went to River Park. What was the terrible fate that you wrote about. I lived on Leland and Albany til 1963.
Eugene, You mention a name of Louie Cohen on one of your posts. I was in the same class as Louie at Hibbard and we were both really big baseball fans. i marveled at how fast Louie could throw a ball as a young kid. Louie was a big, big guy and when we joined the Mighty Mites at River park he was put in the majors and I was in the minors., My mom and his mom knew each other and sometimes the families would meet at the many food places on Lawrence. Louie played for Von’s baseball team as a catcher. I moved to Skokie in the mid 60s as did Louie and his family. I ran into him a few times in Skokie and read about him and his terrible fate in the paper. Its kind of a blur. I sometimes think about what a great guy he was. Louie was a good kid and I think someday when its my turn we will meet up there and exchange baseball cards like we did in the old days..
Thank you Eugene for correcting this. I was there and saw the bleachers empty, did not see the fight and went by what I was told. Arnie Briskman was one of the best high school basketball players to come out of that era and i saw him play numerous times for Roosevelt. Great mid range jump shooter and his brother Bob played for Von Steuben in the late 50s and early 60s. Von and Roosevelt had a great rivalry in those days always opening the season at Roosevelt who had the bigger gym untill Von made it to the red division and played Roosevelt twice a year home and away.
Your facts are almost entirely incorrect. Mozur did get hit once, but after that Arnie Brissman and I broke the fight up. Nobody hit the ground, but Al did have a nice shinner for a time.
I have a memory of Al Mozur. Kid was tough as nails. Did not know him personally but he was part of an event that is “folklore” to those of us who attended. There used to be a basketball tournament run by the BBYO at Mather in September every year 4 schools participated those being Roosevelt, Mather, Von Steuben and Sullivan as they were the 4 predominent jewish schools in the area. It was a 2 day event with the 2 winning teams playing the next night for the championship. Mozur challanged a guy from Roosevelt by the name of Marvin Tuchman to a fight the second night in the Mather parking lot and everybody knew about it. 3/4 of the crowd ran outside and in one punch as the story goes Mozur hit the ground. Tuchman was about 6 foot 4 and a tough guy who played on Roosevelt’s football team. I was there but did not see the fight. Thats all everybody talked about for weeks. Sorry to hear about Mozur. Nobody needs to have there anger cost there life.
Al Mozur was a great baseball player (catcher); he was drafted by the Houston Astro’s but his temper got him thrown off the team before he made the pro’s. His temper also was the cause of his death in Las Vegas over the affections of a woman.
Hey Don! Some might not have known it, but Al Moeser was also an awesome baseball player and also a very tough fighter. Believe it or not, I last saw Al on Ashbury just off Haight Street in early 1967.(what a transposition from Lawrence and Kimball!.
Eugene, how did it Al Moeser go down? Funny how some names I can’t place, some I knew of, some were acquaintances and friends, and others were close friends.. were/are part of my life. I hope to be in Chicago in the Spring of 2013. It will be very cool to see the old neighborhood. Later!
Mark, this is a great contribution to the blog. You’ve given me a new SAC to add to the list. Zfaney’s was still around when I went to Von in the seventies, perhaps it was the last drug store with a soda fountain in the area? Very cool that you were friends with Kenny Turkin, I’d love to do more posts about the bands of the day. Please feel free to contribute whenever. Send me an email through the contact form, and then I can reply and give you my email address in case you have any photos you’d like to share.
What incredible memories. I grew up at 3410 Carmen and went to Hibbard and Von Steuben. I was a Jr. Character and hung out at Deborah Boys Club. Moved away from Albany park in 1965 after high school. I remember Cooper and Cooper (best fries) S and L, K and L, Bonfire, Alba, the Terminal and the Metro where the screen was in the front as you walked in. Ned Singers Sports, playing softball at Roosevelt on gravel and sliding and never getting hurt. To me they were fun,innocent times with a bunch of guys who are lifelong friends even though as the years pass we don’t see each other anymore. Still keep in touch with a few however. 2 buses to Wrigley even though a was a Sox fan. We lost one of our gang a few years back. His name was Kenny Turkin and he was a drummer in the Shadows of Knight for awhile after there big hit of Gloria.. I can go on and on because those days were so special. Take the El downtown or just hang out playing ball with friends. Our hangout was Zfaney’s drug store on Kimball and Foster and the small park behind Von Steuben.. They had a soda fountain at Zfaney’s and Mr. Zfaney was a good guy. We bought baseball cards at Millies on Kedzie and were yelled at all the time. Sorry for the rambling, it’s all coming back to me.
Hey, Tobi, welcome. Thanks for visiting.
So many memories. 1969…Kimball & Lawrence…Maureen Berger, Patty Mc Donough, Stuie, Fish, Schmutz, Lance Geary. I bounced between Jensen, Napoli, Terminal Grill, Golden Que, Troy & Ainslie, Foster Beach. What a fun, crazy time.
Don, I found two news stories in the Chicago Trib archives: SEIZE 3 WHO BEAT COP AND TOOK HIS GUN was the headline, July 1, 1963. The gun was found in a dresser drawer at Alan Broad’s home, according to the article. All three men were pictured and they did look beat up. The article you mentioned took place a week later in court.
Hi, Don. Thanks for visiting, and for mentioning the story was on the front page. I’ll look it up in the newspaper archives.
great site!! Even though I was a college boy, I still liked to hang out at Central Park and Lawrence when I was back in Albany Park. I’ve been a bartender for over 40 years and still relate these same stories. It was Michael/Alan? Broad (Rebecca’s brother) who stole the gun and made the front page of all the Chicago papers when he slugged a baliff after being sentenced in court. I’ll never forget the picture: there was a baliff holding each of his arms and two more holding each of his legs carrying him out of the courtroom. Nice to hear the responses from Gene Schultz also.
My wife and I were friendly with Al Leff and his 1st wife Marie and child Michael back in the day, but lost track of him when we moved to Atlanta. His cousin Sherwin Leffkovitz probably can tell you if any one talks to him; I believe he lives in Northbrook. I remember Stu and Biff vaguely.
gene schultz—Do I know u? You musta known my brother Stuie Berger and my dad Biff????Your sentiments are sweet. Do you know what happened to Al Leff and his sister??? If this is an awkward place for comments I’m at y e s r e e n i e @ y a h o o
Moving to Albany Park in 1954 at eleven was like going to heaven. I had made the pilgrimage from Douglas Park, 13th Place and St. Louis, to Palmer Square, Palmer and Kedzie, to Lawrence and Monticello. Hot Dog stands everywhere, the friendliest people in the world and Lawrence Ave to walk down every day and night. Walk and meet your friends on every block; maybe at Morrie’s, or Archies, or Mitch’s…, or Mutt & Jeff’s, or perhaps at the Bonfire or S & L or later at Smiling Sams. There were always people on the street to talk or do something with; like go to Rush Street or Old Town with Lonnie Hall or a Cub Game with the boys, sitting in the Bleachers or a visit to Hollywood Park. Bill and Paul, Jay and Jimmy, my cousins ronnie (fish) and cousin Jerry (lepricon) or cousin Bobbie. Even stores to go in and play pinnocle or gin or poker for the older guys. Jensen Park, with Judy, Volta, Haugan, and Hibbard Schools not to mention Roosevelt and Von. If all else failed there was the Max Strauss Center and the Debora Boys club.The girls were plentiful and the morals as we roared into the 60′s were loose. Drugs were plentiful for those who cared for them and Harold and Shmutz would supply them for no charge especially if your brother was a local cop.
For those who died too young of either violence or drugs, I pray for your souls; Fish and Ronnie S and Louie, Jerry and the other Jerry, Al and Jeff and Bob and Little Jack and Angelo and Harold who both took one in the head along with AL Mozur, R.I.P.
omg jeff sauers my first kiss after he walked me home from our date to the zoo for couple years we hung out drove around smoked and made out till he started hanging little too much with steppenwolfe not good thing for him we used to have so many dreams
His name was Albert, and his friends all called him Albert.
This is a good story! Was his full name Albert? Just looked him up. A ton of films.
Al Lanutti did use his talents successfully. Al is a famous art designer and costume designer who has been credited with about 100 movies. He lives in a mansion in Hollywood. Some of those other so called mobsters did ok for themselves too; some didn’t.
I can’t believe I’m hearing the old names from grammar school. I went to Hibbard School with Al Lanutti. He was the toughest guy in the whole school. He was also a great artist. He could draw like you took a picture with a camera. It always seemed like he had a chip on his shoulder. It’s too bad he didn’t cash in on his God given talent. We used to do projects and homework together. He, Ronald Schlosberg and I were the only 3 out of our class that went to Lane Tech after graduation from Hibbard. Al got thrown out the first day after getting into a fight and Ron transferred to Roosevelt. I was the only one who stuck it out and graduated from Lane. I ran into him many years later at Gabby Hartnetts. He was surrounded by guys like a Mafia don. I couldn’t believe it. I was afraid to try and talk to him.
Remembering Albany Park is great. There are some errors in the memories of some contributors. Butch Dakoff drove an Olds Convert. not a Corvette; his parents owned Dorthy’s Drive in restaurant and gambling joint in Cicero, not Napoli. The pool hall (Bob’s)was owned by Bob Kortum, a world class pool and billiard player. Bill Smedick was nicknamed The Doctor, Jim Navigato was Navajo, Jay Kaplan was Marshy Mellow, I was bullfrog or senator. Nobody looked for trouble; but nobody ran from it either. People came to the corner (kimball & Lawrence) and people left. I hung out there from 1954 to 1968 minus 1963-1966 while in the military. Many did not live long enough to live out their lives, My cousins Ronnie (fish) Schwartz, and Jerry Berkowitz, Little Jack Namond, Louie Cohen, Jerry Klemmer, Jeff Sauers, Harold Stokes,, the brothers Sherwin & LeRoy Brooks, Al Mozur, Angelo Lombardo, and so many more. rip..
I loved Sherwin and Leroy Going to their mom’s house I just remember the biggest fruit bowls in the world and that’s what I still do lol My dad and shmutz’s mom grew up on the westside together He always lived with Belle forever out west on Foster but couldn’t find him now –He and his wife (Debbie) had a son that he always stayed in touch with -I am lol rite now thinking bout him– O man I miss Fish he was so crazy–I loved smoking with Shwartz–before the darkside called lots of us down it was soooo fun–Jerry Klemmer Wow This is fun to shake up the poor memory cells
Donny, thanks! It’s been great hearing about Albany Park in the years before I knew it. All the nicknames!
Going back years ago I was told Paul Schwartz Died…As did Jerry Klemmer,Angelo Lombardo,Sherwin Brooks,Leroy Brooks,Harrold Stokes,Ronnie Schwartz(FISH)and probably others I can’t think of right now…Al Sherman was one of my best friends back then and i wouldn’t mind hearing from him myself….
This thread is precious. Wow! The names,faces, memories, and feelings are coming back, thanks. I’d love to get in touch with Harry Stein, Jimmy Navigato, Bill Smedick, Shmutz, and “the Fish (I had the Fish mixed up with Shmutz), and Al Moser if possible. Indeed, where is Paul Schwartz? Thanks Maureen, Sharon, Carl, et al… especially you, Frances. BE WELL!
I’ll have to stop by Adam’s Apple. Haven’t been there since 1972. Thanks for the suggestion.
A great source of information is Shelly Miller (an Albany Park boy). He owns and runs Adams Apple head shop, on California just south of Devon. He has been there over 40 years. Of course he can’t sell the same merchandise he once did. But it seems like everybody stops in there when they’re in town or in the neighborhood.
anyone know how to get in touch with shmutz? i’ma lol now thinking of him kicking me off the corner…is fish still living? omg loved driving around laffing with larry lazar damn he was funny what happened to al leff and his sis gail???
Donnie: Hi! You put it the right way. There was plenty of tough guys in the neighborhood but you were never in danger hanging out, walking around. There was no senseless violence. No weapons. It sounds like we were there at the very same time. I hung around at Napoli’s from 60 to 65 and delivered pizza there for awhile, but Nicks pizza was the best. Talk about lighting up memory banks with names, you certainly did. Little did we know what was coming, the 60’s and the end of the age of innocence. Some of the guys are still around but unfortunately only hear from them on the internet. I did have lunch with Eugene Schultz (Irv’s brother) last week and talked to Bill Smedick not long ago. He did mention that Smutch (Al Sherman) is still around.Many of those names you mentioned moved to (of all places) Las Vegas. Jim Navigato, Tony Lanutti, Harry Stein, Larry Lazar, Jerry Berkowitz, Al Mozer and myself. I was there in 71/72, lived with Navigato for a short time. Andy: I did post the photo of me that you restored, it’s on “this is how we rolled in Albany Park.” link. My story of me and the bike was a little corny, wish I would have given it more thought. Irv: Thanks for your input, my memory was terrible. You worked in Albany Park for many years and seen all the changes. I had lunch with your brother last week, we talked for hours.
Thank you Sharon! Glad to have found out the name of the roller rink. I am trying to remember if Rainbo Arena had live organ music ever — anyone know?
I remember ALWAYS getting french fries from Tongs Tea Garden when my parents got take out–they were the BEST around!!
Carl–I remember us riding at 16th & Springfield on the bike-OMG–we were so young and I always felt so protected because of Curtis and how we all rode together around that neighborhood–lots of stares from people for sure!!
The name of the roller rink was “Hollywood Roller Rink”–I used to go every weekend when I was 7/8/9/10 years of age–when it closed down-went to the Riverview Roller Rink-on Western/Belmont just before Riverview itself! great memories from both–when we had REAL organ music
Liz, thanks for stopping by. I love that comment: never knew Chinese food did not come with french fries.”
Hi, Maureen. thanks for visiting. Still in touch with all these people?
I remember going to the roller rink ALL the time, I can’t think of the name either but I think it was a few blocks north of Lawrence. I remember having my own roller skates in a very glittery case. All my friends went on Saturdays. I love reading the blog so many things bring back great memories. The Terminal theater where my parents would take us there for a double feature if we didn’t go to the roller rink. Great Saturdays for us and them…Great growing up during that area, Peterson, then von Steuben, rochelle’s such good burgers. Hollywood Bowl almost everyday after school ,french fries at Tongs Tea Garden, never knew Chinese food did not come with french fries. I even remember Larry Zaretsky, wow!!!
mmmm- stuie berger, gayle burton, nancy broad, where is paul schwartz?, alan broad? sharon,el toro and frenchie?. bino? god i couldn’t wait to drop outta school and wear a black scarf and leather jacket when i saw ellen levine and kathy reafter sitting on the bank wall? is shmutz still alive? Jackie Paris? larry zaretsky did we eat enuff pixie stixs??? james red foley captain foleys son teeheee
Hey Carl et al,
Great stories. Lights up my memory banks, thanks. Albany Park was a very colorful neighborhood, and friendly. Those “tough guys” were not bullies; rather they had a sense of justice and a great sense of humor. They were alive (if you know what I mean) and talked straight. If you didn’t hassle them, you were safe. If someone tried to hassle anyone, then whoever you were, you warned to cool it first. No one carried guns, or if you did, you were looked down upon as a coward.
I just heard that El Toro, Jerry Manos, passed. Now there was an indestructible guy. I guess we respected independence and strength and I agree that sometimes we like to remember how tough we were, more than all the good and beautiful things about Albany Park. I think that’s a Chicago thing, like it’s a tough/hard city, “I ain’t no sissy”, bootlegging capital of the world kinda thing.
I was on Lawrence the night that Squeaky got knocked down. He was just too much in everybody’s face – on a crusade, you know. It happened on Central Park and Lawrence, in front of Sammy’s. Boy the heat were hot. They rounded up Brooks, Stokes, and Broad and beat them badly. I think the story went like, Squeaky said something, and was rebuffed. He went for his gun, and “someone” grabbed his arm and the gun fell loose, and “someone” picked up Squeaky’s gun and ran. “Someone” else made sure that Squeaky didn’t get up off the sidewalk right away
Shmutz, Bill Smedick, Harry Stein, Al Broad, Butch Dakoff, Jimmy Navagato, and I were very close. I think Harry Stein had a Ford 429 also later a Plymouth with a push button Chrysler 413 engine with a pair of quads. I might have the cars mixed up. Butch Dakoff had a Corvette. You couldn’t make any money racing or betting on these guys. The “action” was with the fake out cars, what guys did underneath the hood, that few others knew about. This was maybe between 61’ and 65’. I don’t suppose that Napoli is still there?
There wasn’t much to do after the pool hall and Napoli’s closed other than to go out north on Crawford (Pulaski Road). Things could have been different if we knew then how to take care of ourselves better.
I didn’t meet Irv Schultz till the late 60’s .He was ALWAYS straight up w/ us & we all respected him . In the later yrs.(mid 70’s) I used to see him once in a while @ a Dunkin Donuts on Lawrence av. W. of Pulaski. I always wondered what happened to Mr. Schultz as he was one of the good ones.I’m sure he wouldn’t remember me but I hope all is well with him
Carl, thanks for stopping by and leaving your own comment. I suppose many look back and think their youth was an ideal time, but this area really had something special that has vanished completely.
I could write a book about all those great years of growing up in Albany Park and of course hanging out at Kimball and Lawrence.Nice to know that some of those memories are still with the people that remember first hand.Thanks to all,Carl G.,Irv S.,Bobbie D. and the others that left comments,Carl Danca.
I don’t know what my cousin Gene is talking about. I remember a different Albany Park. Yes, I remember all the spots where we hung out, but I also remember the innocence of the times. We danced, drank coke in the bottle while eating french fries and went steady. On Friday night we’d walk, or if we were lucky, have a friend ( Jerry Manos and his pea green voltzwagen) who would cruise down Lawrence avenue and then we would wind up at the Terminal Theatre. We would try to get Carl ( my brother ) or Jerry to take us on Chicago Bandstand. Boy, were they great dancers!
Yes, there was a little rowdiness and towards the end of our teen age years the drugs did creep into our lives, but not for many of us. For most of us, it was just a carefree and fun time!
HI Andy: I would post the photo if I could figure out how. I remember Curtis (Herc). Big guy and a good friend. All the bikers Pete, his brother Bruce, you, me and many others would ride out and meet on the corner of 16th and Springfield which was a completely black neighborhood. Being with Herc,never a problem. The last I heard Pete was living in St. Petersburg, Fla. (no pun intended).
Hi Andy: I would post that photo if I could figure out how. But yes I remember Curtis well (Herc). All the bikers from Kimball and Lawrence would ride out to the west side where he lived. There was Pete Walver, his brother Bruce, Paul Cohen, you and myself and others. We would meet at 16th and Springfield which was a completely black neighborhood but being with Curtis, no problem. The last I heard of Pete a couple of years ago, he was alive and well living in St. Petersburg, Fla.(no pun intended) His younger brother Bruce who also was an Outlaw president passed away in the Philipines about 5 years ago.
Hey Irv,
Curtis was Curtis Whitehead also known as Jawbreaker for having broken a guys jaw in a boxing match and later known as Hercules or Herc. He was one of the strongest guys I ever met and could lift the front of a Harley three feet off the ground. He worked at a gas station on the southwest corner of Kimball and Foster called Buds. He lived on the West Side near 16th and Wentworth and rode with a club called the Iron Horses or Iron Horsemen. Either way they were crazy riders and totally fearless.
Also a hi to Carl, Hey Carl you ought to post that picture of you with your Triumph.
Hi, Irv. thanks for visiting and giving us the story straight. More about Kimball and Lawrence, please.
Puppys real name was Bob Dillon..He hung around Ma’s across from Roosevelt High but did hang at our corner at times..Harold Stokes was shot and killed at a party i belive at Ainslie and Avers if my memory serves me right.Half of the Kimball and Lawrence crew either died or were killed…I remember Paul and I used to go to a Black Dudes house by the name of Curtis(Anyone remember Curtis?)Him and his wife both drove Harleys..Angello and Paul both liked this girl Vern Marteani…She was the prettiest girl around at that time..I better stop…I can go on for hours about Kimball and Lawrence …
Puppys real name was BOB Dillion …Harold Stokes (He didn’t have a nick name)was shot and killed at Avers and Ainslie if my memory serves me right…Puppy hung out mainly at Ma’s across from Roosevelt but did come around Kimball & lawrence at times..
Actually,Shmutz (Al Sherman )wasn’t involved in stealing officer Frank Perry’s gun..And the three that did do it (we all know who they were) were taken into the albany park station and badly beaten..I still have the news clippings..I was a few yeras older then most of you but hung around with Sherwin Brooks,Al Sherman,Paul Cohen..Me and Bill Campanerro bought a 52 Ford convert for $25.00 and drove through the alleys mostly since we didn’t have drivers lic.Paul had a 57 BSA bike and a 57 409 chev…I went into the army in 1957 and so did Schmutz & Jack Paris..We all went to Korea…I returned to Kimball & lawrence in 1960 ….I joined the police force in 1966 and worked at the Albany Park station until 1993(27 years)
Thanks for visiting Carl, and sharing your memories. I’m sure someone can tell us the name of the roller rink. BTW, I received your note about the subscription, but I can’t change anything on that. It’s set up that way on purpose so no one can send out unwanted emails. Try resubscribing to see if that works, or unsubscribe and then resubscribe.
I can’t believe what I’m reading. HI! All these familiar names and places. I went to Hibbard and graduated Roosevelt in ’62. I remember the night we parked the bikes in one space each and took up the whole block because of the harassment we were getting from the cops. I kinda remember a cop that we named “squeaky” that was always giving up trouble. If I’m remembering right Smutch (Al Sherman) stoled his gun. And Harold Stokes (puppy) was anything but.
On Kimball and Lawrence there was the “Cooper & Cooper” diner, Mitch’s hot dogs Napoli piizza where I delivered pizza for awhile along with Harry Stein. Harry always had the fastest cars. There was a roller rink across from Alba bowl, can’t remember the name. It turned into an unemployment compensation office. For those of you a little older I had an older brother Art who married Marlene Tepper, all went to Roosevelt.
I could write a book.
Welcome, Gil. Thanks for stopping by. You are not the only guy to keep his club jacket. I’ve seen a few ever since I started this blog. check the photos in this post.
What memories!!! What about the Terminal. Every Friday night at the movies for 25 cents. I was a Top Hat. Still have my club jacket. How sick is that. Born on Leland and Albany and lived there until I got married. Don’t remember a roller rink near Alba but I’m so old I remember Alba when it was still a movie theater. I worked at S & L on Lawrence and Kedzie for a short time with Harold Hirsh bussing tables. Went to Hibbard and Roosevelt. Now that you bring it up, I really miss that old neighborhood.
Thanks for that link. Wow, the Little Gents broke up in 1954! But now, that sounds right. I guess I meant Lincoln Village, across from Zaretsky’s fish market. After moving away, I used to stop by and visit with Larry in order to get “the word”, but of course, the old neighb was changing fast by then. I am contemplating a 50 year Roosevelt class reunion in Chicago this coming year, but haven’t been back since a short visit in the eighties. I’d probably get lost.
Donny, check Howard Glantz’s comment on this post. The comment of his I am referring to is 11th up from the bottom of the comments. He recalls when the Lil Gents were “asked” not to pass their name to a junior club. Good story.
Butz, I think was a member of the Lil’ Gents. I might be wrong. I knew Bunty and Goldberg as they hung out lifting weights at Eugene Field Park. They were the legendary street fighters of the day. They were a bit more than a SAC if you know what I mean
They were so “good” that the Chicago police department made a deal with them, letting off charges if they never picked juniors and would disband. So ended another “colorful” chapter (mostly at Von). Truly though, the Lil Gents acted as “protectors” — I never saw them in action, but yes… a boo could be written Frances (names would have to be changed to protect “the innocent”.
Donny, I know who Zaretsky is, though I don’t know him personally. One of my friends from Peterson was his cousin. At one point, the fish store was next to Lerner’s. I didn’t know it had been on Lincoln. It seems that a book might be written about the pool hall … so many stories! I’ve heard guys from the Von class of ’51 talk about it as well. they mentioned a legendary character nicknamed Butz.
The “Pool Hall” and Napoli Pizza were homes away from home … The feeling was name of the game… kindred souls — strangers in a strange land during the day … but at night Lawrence Ave was our home. Names come back sometimes Alan Broad, “the Fish”, “Shmutz”, Baby Huey (Larry Zaretsky). Zaretsky was super strong so he was nicknamed Baby Huey. He was from Peterson Park, but was welcomed. His family had that fish shop on Lincoln Ave, northwest of Kimball past Lincolnwood Plaza. Later Sammys opened up on Central Park and Lawrence, an offshoot from the bar on Drake and Lawrence. Looking back, there seemed to be very few relevant alternative places to hang late at night. I think we all wanted to bust out of that prison-like world… or something like that.
They were tough guys all right. I remember one night the cops locked us all up for something or other. When the shift changed at 6AM they paraded us out in front of the day crew so they could get to know us. The sergeant gave us each a minute of sarcastic description but when he came to Stokes he changed his tone. He said “This is Harold Stokes, he’s a real tough guy, he’s gonna end up on a slab one of these days”. And of course a few years later he did.
I don’t recall any roller rink near Alba but that doesn’t mean much…
And as much as I hung out at the pool hall I don’t remember who owned it, only the signs that said “No whistling allowed” and the story everybody whispered that someone had been thrown out the window for doing just that. (For those of you who don’t know the place it was on the second floor…)
Hey Andy,
Thanks for the nice reply. Wow, I forgot Harold Stokes. Those were some very tough cookies. Tony and Al Lanutti were awesome fighters. The smaller of the two (I thought was Tony) was extremely quick as much as he was slight. Those who didn’t know him and messed with him, never saw it coming.
I remember Alba bowling alley, real well. It was a fun place. There was a roller rink across the street or close near by, if I remember? Andy, do you remember Bob’s full name who owned the pool hall? What I remember is Bob Khortem? He was an amazing world class billiard player and also awesome 9 ball player.
Hey Donny,
it sounds like you came just a few years later. Tony Lanutti is Al Lanutti’s younger brother and hung around with my brother Larry. i remember Navagato and Harold Brooks but also Paul Cohen, Harold Stokes and his sister Sarita, Semour Rottenberg, Carl Goldufsky, Pat and Connie Binder, Jerry Svardlof, Lois Marks and Pat Fiedler. We spent a lot of time at Alba Bowl, The Bonfire Restaurant and Napoli’s. I worked at the pool hall one summer fixing the pin spotter machines in the lanes next door and I spent a lot of hours shooting pool with all the guys, especially in the winter. There was a reunion of the Lawrence and Kedzie crowd a number of years ago and I’m still sorry I missed it. if anybody out there with the list of who attended and a way to reach them is reading this it’s time to do it again!
Interesting. I hung from 1962 -1965 on Kimball and Lawrence (more correctly in front of Napoli Pizza, (Butch Dakoff’s father’s restaurant). We would roam maybe from Central Park and Lawrence to The Pool Hall on Kedzie near Leland, nightly. Don’t remember many bikes but there were some very supped-up cars. Remember Harry Stein, Jimmy Navagato, Bill Smedick, Harold Brooks, Baby Huey, Tony Lanutti, Mike Fish, Paul Schwartz… anybody know about these beautiful dudes? Was a bunch of good fun.
I went to Volta and then Roosevelt — born and raised on Drake and Ainslie. Thanks!
Andy, she did. And I’ve wrote a post about her move from the West Side to Hollywood Park.
Hey Merle,
Did you go to Peterson in the fifties?
Don lived on West Fargo in Rogers Park and went to Sullivan HS, I believe. Larry was from the same general area.
Merle, that is too funny. Were they from our area?
Many years ago, twenty, at least, Chicago Magazine ran a “where are they now” story about “Chicago hoodlums.” They featured about 5 or 6 young men. Wasn’t I surprised that two of them were my cousins….Don Nathan and Larry Cowan! Anyone remember them?
No, Hollywood Park was my hangout, but I went to Lawrence for Different Circle. It was a jeans store across from the Ravenswood Terminal. I do remember the Pyramid Grill, though I never was inside. We knew someone who lived across from Amundsen, on Damen, and visited often.
So were you a “duper” then? Wasn’t that part of Lawrence and Kimball a little tough
back then? My big hang out was the Pyramid Grill on Damen north of Foster. Go
Amundson Vikings!
Did you catch the price of steak on the window behind them!