David Schoeneman sent an email, introducing himself and giving me his Albany Park credentials: he attended Haugen Elementary School and graduated from Roosevelt High School; he had been a fountain boy at S&L and a regular at Purity Delicatessen; he got kishke to go from Harvey’s Deli and sold shoes at Maling’s, and he still has his Funny Fellows club jacket.
Did I want to talk to him about Lawrence Avenue, he asked. Of course I did.
First things first. David showed me his SAC jacket, which actually is a remake of the original. Then he took me on a virtual walk along Lawrence Avenue, from Kedzie to “Crawford” (now Pulaski), describing every storefront as though he were standing right there in front of them.
David shared many great anecdotes as I took notes for my long-delayed project of creating a page on this blog listing all the Lawrence Avenue businesses from the forties, fifties and early sixties, similar to my Bryn Mawr Avenue Business Hall of Fame. It will be fabulous once I get back in touch with all of you who have volunteered to contribute and get it done. In the meantime, enjoy David’s old neighborhood photographs.
David took the first photograph with his own Brownie camera, a present from his Bar Mitzvah, in the schoolyard at Haugen. The girls were in his eighth grade class, the class of January 1955.

From left: Rella Croft, Theodore (Teddy) Boidy, Roberta Young, Pauline Davis, Melinda Saverslak, Arlene Leider, Marlene Chernoff, Hedda Seitler
If you’re wondering about the January graduation date, Chicago public schools used to have half-year graduating classes, in elementary school and high school. The practice must have been discontinued just as I was starting school. When I was in the second grade at Peterson, my class was 2B. By third grade, the letters were dropped, but I think the A’s had previously been used to designate the January classes, and B’s for the June graduates. I’m sure one of you can provide more details.
The Funny Fellows sometimes hung out at Jensen Park, on the northwest corner of Lawndale and Wilson, across from the Albany Park Congregation.
This building, at 4601 N. Lawndale, the northeast corner of Lawndale and Wilson, was the home of the Albany Park Hebrew Congregation. It was an enormous synagogue, with seating for 1,400 and a membership of 2,000 at its peak in 1950. The congregation merged with Shaare Tikvah in Hollywood Park during the 1960s.
And this lot at 3715 Wilson was the location of the Max Strauss Center. It was where the Funny Fellows held their meetings and where, as I tell everyone, I went to nursery school. I actually remember it well, but I was surprised to hear David refer to it as the JPI Max Strauss Center. I’ve always called it the Max Strauss JCC. I discovered these were the same organization: before 1946, the Jewish Community Centers of Chicago was known as the Jewish People’s Institute. The Max Strauss Center was built in 1941, and it was the first branch location opened by the West Side based organization.
South Haven Studs
From left, Funny Fellows David Schoeneman, Martin (Micky) Graber, Bob Marks and Howie LeVine. Bob and Howie went to Von Steuben, Micky and David went to Roosevelt. It was the last week of the summer after high school graduation, a final fling at the beach before leaving Albany Park and heading off to college.
Photos courtesy of David Schoeneman.
References: Albany Park Hebrew Congregation, Chicago Jewish News. Max Strauss Center, Chicago Historical Society.
Related: Social Athletic Clubs, Chicago North Side, 1940s – 1970
Hi Frances:
Do you mind if I contribute to your blog?
Hi, David. I just sent you an email
Hi, Lester.
The comments on the blog are indeed public. Anyone who looks at the blog can see the comment, but they cannot see the email address you are asked to provide when you make a comment. The email remains private, though I can view it. thanks for visiting and sharing your memories.
These emails are being sent out to a wider audience than just the Funny Fellows. In checking under Lester Gorelic I just discovered that my (301) phone number is public information (now i know why i am getting all of the Robocalls). Please feel free to call the number and provide contact information (email address preferably) and I will get back with you.
Yes, the hot dogs and Italian beef sandwiches (with peppers of course and dripping with the artery clogging au jus), are really unique to Chicago and worth the trip.
I still have family in Chicago, and as a result get back there anywhere from 3- 4 times a year. I am also fortunate to have two grandsons back there. However in spite of my pleas, my daughter had my two grandsons in winter. The November birthday oforone is not too bad nowadays, but the January one has been a killer (one time it was -18F windchill when I visited). My other two grandsons are in Houston which has never been an excessively “cold” visit.
I am a docent at the National Archives, still attend meetings in my profession and attend performances at the Kennedy Center. This means that i still wear sports jackets and suits.
No I haven’t been to Chcago for years I’m in California for 18 years now, it’s heaven. The only reason I’d ever come to Chicago now would be for Hot Dogs or Italian Beef but now we have Portillo’s here and it’s amazing only an hour away. We absolutely love Vegas and it’s a beautiful 4 hour drive there and as far as we’re concerned we’re in heaven now. Haven’t wore a jacket in 15 years, shorts almost every day.
I seem to remember that a man whose last name was Cutler either owned or worked at the fish store on Lawrence Ave. in the 1950’s. His son Nortie Cutler graduated from Roosevelt in about 1954.
I thought you were in the Torpedoes, along with Jack Segal, Dick Salzstein, Marty Portnoy, Gary Shuman, and others. Yes I am in Chicago, I do not want to list my phone number on this website, so I do not know how to sugggest that you contact me, David
“That’s all”? That is a lot. Everyone knew about your family’s auto parts store(s). Are you still in Chicago?
Yes. Lester Gorelic did go to hebrew school with you.. Many, many moons ago.How are you? Do you live in Chicago?
No Just a relation to Warshawsky Auto Parts That’s all
Lester Gorelic went to Hebrew School with me, Beth Itzchak on Drake and Leland. David
I too was at the Maling Bros State St store. I remember two old timers who worked there. One was a gay fat dapper guy who tried to feel you up in the back aisles. The other one was a little nebishey Jewish guy who everyone said was a favorite of the burlesque girls down the street. I didn’t believe that until one day he was walking out with two of them on his arms. They were about a foot taller than him.
It seems that working at Malings was a rite of passage for most teenage boys at Roosevelt, and perhaps at Von Steuben as well. I worked there for a very short time. The women coming into Malings usually tried on many pairs of cheap shoes and ended up buying one pair or none at all. I don’t remember the commission rate they were paying, but the low rate coupled with dealing with the type of people that frequented that store that sold cheap shoes was more than anyone could take for much more than a month or two. I moved on to work for the plumber on Lawrence Ave., the one that had a card table with 4 toilets around it in the window at the front of the store. I learned a lot about how plumbing fittings went together and learned to cut and thread pipe for the plumbers. The pay was decent and it was close enough to Roosevelt that I could walk there after school. The job entailed lifting heavy items, so I did end up gaining strength.
I too worked at Malings on Lawrence. From about 1955. Little Max Maling would check out the store and usually fire me for not doing something. Mr. Littow would immediately hire me back. After working at the Lawrence Ave store, I worked at the State Street store. And then for a while at a store far west in a shopping center (don’t recall the name). But those jobs take second place to my job as a stock boy in the bra and girdle section of Marshall Fields. It’s been downhill ever since.
Any relationship to the the owner of the fish store on Lawrence Avenue?
Hi I sold shoes at Malings and many other shoe stores but I graduated Roosevelt in 1960 I was a regular fella but had many friends at Von Archie Camberis Marv Gassman Al Hirsch any sound familiar? Janice Tipp?
This is a comment about the AZAs. I graduated Von in January 1957 and belonged to the Northwest AZA. Most of the group graduated in June, ’56. We’d meet at Deborah Boys Club. So we certainly were around by 1953-54.
that took some balls Great Job!
When I was a senior (1956) someone heard that the guys from Ma’s (I’d forgotten the name of the place so thanks for that) were harassing and roughing up Jewish kids at school. Someone (not me for sure) decided we (guys on the football team, Joe Greenberg, Joe LeVine, et al) should go pay them a visit. I had my glasses off so I couldn’t see what was happening but there wasn’t anymore trouble after that.
My recollection is most of the Jewish kids hung out at Shurz/Shurs, and the Goyem hung out at a place called Ma’s on Wilson across from RHS.
That makes me feel better I remember hanging out at that store and one day car loads of anti semites from Lane and Taft came by and we got into a huge fight. By the way believe it olr not WE WON and they never came back.
Hey Stuart,
You are right about Shurz/Shures. And yes, I just heard about the transformation/inclusion of a middle school there. Best regards, David Schoeneman
Yet another typo. We had a great time, not “age eat time.”
Sorry for the typo. We had a great time, age eat time.
If I recall correctly, the “hangout” on Kimball was owned by Maury Shure; thus, it was called Shure’s, not Schurz. We spent many hours there during our 4 years at Roosevelt just eating, dancing and schmoozing. During those four years, a lot of money went into the jukebox, but we had age eat time. The Fonz had nothing on us.
I wonder if anyone beside me and my brother had seen the Roosevelt is now part Middle School and part High School as of the start of this school year.
Thank you Fraces for setting up this website. I enjoy keeping up with all the comments.
I wasn’t commenting of the school Shurz but the hangout on Kimball opposite RHS. If it will soothe your memory somewhat I remember beating them in basketball at Shurz. They had a one-eyed big guy who was a star who I constantly faked off of his feet and I wasn’t that good of a player. We won. Also, in the same vein during a summer as a freshman I was hanging out at the Max Strauss center with a few buddies and Harold Brownstein. Harold was at U of Illinois at the time. He was an all-city lineman at RHS on a winless football team. About 5’8″, 190lbs and he was a nice guy but out of the social loop to say the least. A carload of those anti-semites came by to cause trouble. One older guy was about 6’3″. Harold goes up to him and says, “let’s you and I settle this across the street (Jensen Park)”. They left.
I loved cooper and cooper in my days 57,58,59 and 60 but hated Shurz They had so many anti-semetic people there and we always had fights with them and Lane Tech at almost every game. I have terrible memories about those 2 schools They hated Roosevelt and Von I was a very proud “Regular Fella”
I believe the fish market you mentioned was the “St Louis Fish Market”.
Also I think a relative though marriage ( Isadore Alpert} worked at the chicken store.
I remember the fries at Cooper & Cooper and the standard comment if you asked for a glass of water: “We have spring water here, so you can just spring over to the water fountain and get some”.
I also have fond memories of Shurz with all the straw wrappers stuck to the ceiling.
I remember going to Montrose Beach and looking for girls with food.
A Chevron
Our apartment – Keystone 9-3839 / Glick Drug Store – Irving 8-9892 You are so right about one’s memory.
Bruce, we joked about our memories last Sunday at my talk on Von Steuben — how we can remember our childhood home phone numbers but not what movie we saw yesterday.
I remember Glicks,, you, your dad,your cousin,Charlie and the great times I had there.Lawrence Ave,Albany Park was a great time and place to grow up.
Norm – Thanks for the memories. I was a neighbor of yours,lived at 4615 N. Laundale. I also attended Haugan but then moved to West Ridgers Park. My father owned Glick Drug Store, across from Morries. I remember the chicken store, like it was yesterday. ( my problem is that I can not remember yesterday ). Anyhow, thanks again for sharing.
Great stories, Norman. Thanks for stopping by.
I graduated from Haugan Jan 1953 and from Roosevelt Jan 1957. Played basketball and football (the first class of a great guy and coach, Al Klein). I lived at 4656 N. Lawndale (over looking Jensen Park) within ‘spitting distance’ of RHS my division room teacher Mrs Edna Miller used to tell me when I was late. I was a member of the Aristocrats. Some store remembrances that I didn’t see mentioned are: Singer’s (Ned) Sport Shop, Morrie’s hot dog stand at Lawndale and Lawrence, Max’s Army Surplus Store with the weathered ‘Going Out of Business’ sign in the window. I don’t remember some names of stores but there was a fish market with fish in boxes that my mother used to get making sure they had clear eyes (she knew the owner from the West Side as a child); a chicken store where the rabbi would cut it’s head off for you and say a berakhah for 25 cents; a bakery that my buddy Bob Grinker lived above and the smell was fantastic. And I tell my kids that we’d go to movies and not pay any attention to start times. Plus, going to Montrose beach to play poker (I was a sucker) and got held up once by guys with knives while hitch hiking. Then there was Schurz (?) our high school hangout where I remember when I was 16 and heard Bill Haley on the jukebox doing Rock-Around-The-Clock and at that instant I knew music had changed forever. And the fries at Cooper & Cooper are still great memories, McDonald’s be damned. And I too am a Mailing Bros alumni.
I have fond memories of Albany Park. I wish I could find a photo of Siegel’s (basement grocery/convenience store) that was on N Central Park, between Wilson and Sunnyside.
I don’t remember if anyone mentioned the Cavaliers
Also, before the Chevrons picked us as their juniors, we were the Granadas
You forgot to mention the Top Hats.
The Emanons and The La Medolas were 2 other girls clubs that I remember from the mid to late 60’s
The LDF’s was another girls club
Zavim, Torpedoes, Aristocrats, Chevrons, Funny Fellows, Regular Fellas, Lil Gents, Jovens Esquires, Anacondas, Sorry, but I cannot remember many of the girls clubs.
I will be updating my list of SAC’s. I think you’ve mentioned a couple I didn’t know about. Thanks.
AZA’s & BBG’s had not really been a presence before our January 1958 class graduated. We were aware of some at Senn High School. Most all of the boys social and athletic activities took place through the Social & Athletic Clubs (SAC’s), such as the Esquires (my SAC), Jovens, Aristocrats and Funny Fellows, while the girls were in the Cytanas or LDF’s. I am sorry if I missed any SAC’s. We all formed lifelong friendships through the SAC’s, primarily social activities. Girls did not do much in the way of athletics while we were in high school. My wife, Doris Katz Jacobson, was in the Cytanas. She and her club sisters, as well as other of her classmates who were not in the Cytanas, still have a once a month lunch together. Unfortunately, my fellow club members and other of the men from our class do not stay in touch as much as the ladies, but we occasionally get together for a lunch.
Our club met at the Max Strauss Center and, if I recall correctly, at the Deborah Boys Club on occasion. The SAC’s were the center of our social and athletic activities. Club dances and other charitable fundraising activities were important to us For me, club leadership activities prepared me well for my later life fundraising activities for a charity that raised money for Hodgkin’s Disease research at the University of Chicago. Almost all of the money we raised was as couples via primarily social activities that were really just a continuation of work that we did in our high school years.
Ben, I would love to write up a story about the AZA and BBG. Let me know if you want some help. They were still in existence when I was in 8th grade and freshman year, but lost most of the kids around that time. I ended up going to USY events with suburban kids for a while.
Thank you so very much I look forward to linking up with my old friends and perhaps we can get something together for you on the AZA and BBG groups that were very important to Jewish youth in Albany Park in the 50s and 60s the good old days.
Thanks Daniel for visiting the website and sharing your story. It’s great that you found someone you know here and hope to hear from you again.
Ben I will send a note to Arnie with your email.
Nice to hear from you. My ginlfriend, Rita Marks lived at 4522 Central Park, 2nd floor. The Neiman family, Hunce and Sylvia, lived at 4524. Their daughters, Carol and Suzie went to Roosevet We correspond with Carol ( Malis) regularly, to this day.
I was friends with Andy at Nicks Pizza. I even delivered pizzas for him on occasion.I remember his 1st and 2nd wives and hid dad. Jerry Sherman was very close to Andy He was with Andy when he passed away in Florida.
Whenever we try a new pizza, we compare it to Andy’s pizza. We seldom find one as good.
Bob Rosen
I was in the 1st Funny Fellows group at Roosevelt.
I remember your Olds and speeding down Edens.I still hear from Orrin Brand on a regular basis.The times we grew up in Albany Park was the best.My kids never had the same experiences we did.Be well
I have to agree completely with your observation that there was no better place for a kid to grow up than Albany Park and my time there was in the late 50’s. In fact I did not actually live in Albany Park my family was from the upper end of Ravenswood, California Avenue just South of Foster. So early on it was a walk through River Park to get to my friends and then later on a ride over in my Dad,s Oldsmobile which all of friends thought was the hot rod of our day. My time in Albany Park centered around Al Jolson AZA back in the day when Albany Park was mostly Jewish. I have not seen or heard from my Albany Park friends in many years but if any of them are on this site please ask Frances for my e-mail I would love to hear from you and oh by the way, this is Ben Kirman the guy with the black 1958 Olds.
Isn’t it amazing the memories we all had from ages 15-18 years old and after that some of us have not seen our high school friends for over 60 years!
Hi Dan,
How are you doing old buddy and let me mention that you were always a great kind hearted good guy, friend and neighbor and fellow Jensen Parker.
Time is going by fast but somehow our memories of growing up in Albany Park seems to keep us all young.
Believe it or not I am just as busy as ever playing FM music from our era and young people are actually putting down their IPhones to listen and believe me when I say that not only did we have great music in our era but we also had great times even in the face of social and economic diversity.
Take care Danny and be sure not to play goalie for Igor if you do I still have some old band aids to patch you up—Ray
Hello my name is Dan Sansardo, it seems I might be a little younger than most of the people on this site but I did see a post from Ray Klass, who was a great guy and lived across the street from me. I lived at 4524 Central Park down the street from segal’s store, where I would return pop bottles for two cents apiece . Ray mentioned the Sir Royals, I was in the Sir Royals just before the clubs faded away. I hung out at Jensen Park, and later at Maury’s. My uncle Andy owned Nick’s pizza on Lawrence and another uncle owned Sano’s pizza on Lawrence and Milwaukee . We moved into Albany Park sometime around ’64 as the neighborhood was starting to change from almost all Jewish to a mix of everything , a lot of my friends were first generation Americans. Greasers, Dupers, it was all about to change, you remember the Beatles . I loved Albany Park, dances at the “J”, hot dogs at Maury’s , first girlfriend, friends that I’ve known for half a century that I went to Roosevelt with. I can’t think of a better place to go from gawky kid to an adult.
Stuart, thanks for visiting. There were a lot of distinguished graduates from Von and Roosevelt — but perhaps less so by the time I got to Von in the early 70s. Without any real statistics to back me up, I think 1971 was the turning point. At a reunion of my class last year I talked with my former chemistry teacher, Mr. Hayes, who agreed.
The clubs that were active in our class and I can remember included the boy’s clubs – The Esquires (our club), Jovens, Funny Fellows, Anacondas & Aristocrats – and the girl’s clubs – Cytana’s (my wife’s club) and LDF’s. There may have been others, but I can’t remember. I have fond memories of some of the teachers – Mr. Tysel, Mr. Silverman, Coaches Edelcup & Klein, Ms.Brotsos, Mr. Friedman & Captain Seabury – and not very fond memories of others – Miss Nelson & Mr. Naden. The others did not leave any lasting impressions.
I will say that my education at Roosevelt was good enough to enable me to obtain a Bachelor of Architecture and Master of Architectural Engineering degrees from the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana, although my first 3 years were at the Navy Pier branch of the University of Illinois. In fact, many of my classmates became physicians, surgeons, engineers, physicists and other highly technical professionals.
NIce to hear from you; are you still in your same house in HP? I graduated in Jan 59, so I am in between you and Bruce. But we all have Beth Itczhok in our blood along with Rabbi Rhine, Rabbi Mlodek and Arnold Gassel. I do hope that you and Doris are well; give her a big hug from me, and stay in touch. My email is David Schoeneman: Hagbahone@comcast.net. Take care, David
Both Doris and I graduated in January 1958. My brother Bruce is alive and well, living in Chicago. We just celebrated his 73rd birthday on 9/20/15 and Doris’s 75th on 9/25/15. Doris has a once a month lunch with many (sometime as many as 20) of the “girls” from our class, although that number will dwindle as the snowbirds, including us, leave for the winter. We now have a house in The Villages, FL, a very active over-55 community of about 120,000 residents about 60 miles north of Orlando. Dave Gran and his wife Maxine Nemeroff Gran, who may have been a classmate of yours, also live in The Villages full time. Unfortunately, more than 25 % of our classmates have passed away. I have chaired our last 4 reunions (40th, 45th, 50th and 55th) and will probably start working on our 60th next year. With only 147 graduates in our Class of January 1958, we all knew each other and many of us have stayed in touch over the years.
Hi Arnie
It has been a while, how are you doing? This site is great one never knows when someone from the past will suddenly show up. I hope all is well, are you aware of others from the Al Jolson AZA gang? If so please share all the news both good and perhaps not so good. Things in Florida are OK as far as it goes, I still miss Chicago after all of these years there is no place quite like it.
Best regards, BE WELL & TAKE CARE!
Thanks. I know Arnie Solars quite well. He is now living in Phoenix. He graduated from Roosevelt with my younger brother Barry. We were all together in boy scouts and even went to the same Hebrew school and synagogue…as did by the way, Stuart Jacobson. Small world Frances, regards, David
Hi,David,how’s everything going?
I don’t know who wrote the follow-up blog about me, but their information is accurate. I did all of those things. David
I certainly do know/remember Stuart, who is married to Doris. Stuart graduated either 1 semester or 1 full year ahead of me from Roosevelt. He has/had a younger brother, Bruce…not sure if he passed away or not…so check before posting anything…I certainly wouldn’t want to upset anybody one way of the other. Regards, David
Hi, Stuart. Sorry it took so long for me to post your comment. I’ve been out of town and neglected the blog for a while. but I loved hearin reading your memories. You’ve mentioned a number of groups I hadn’t heard of.
I just was forwarded a link to this site today. Although I only know David Schoeneman and recognize only one or two other names, there are many fond memories of my days at Roosevelt High School (Newton Bateman Grade School). My class was January of 1958, so I am a little older than most people responding to this blog. Our class is just thinking about planning our 60th Reunion. Although our class only had 147 people, there are many of us still in contact with one another. In fact, many of the “girls”, up to 20+/-, get together for lunch every month. As we are aging (most of us are 75), those classmates who have not moved away from the area are beginning to do so at this time. I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate the effort that goes into maintaining this blog, assuming it is still ongoing and I am not wasting my time.
I too worked at Malings for a short time, as well as Goldblatt’s and Goodman Plumbing on Lawrence Ave. I was they guy who set up the card table with 4 toilets around it in the front window and filled parts orders for the plumbers. There are several men’s groups around the North Shore (MEL, GEL, SEL, HOGS, ROMEO, etc.) and there are many old Roosevelt and Von Steuben graduates in those groups. I am in the GEL (Gentlemen Enjoying Leisure) group and see those graduates frequently, the oldest of which are at or nearing 90. We are always talking about the old high school days, which seems to be a common bond for us.
Keep up the good work.
The political history provided by Harriet and Arnie is interesting. It seems like 4 people from 2 families have headed up 39th Ward politics for something like 75 years. Likely this has contributed to the relative stability of the area.
Arnie….I got my years mixed up. Phil was my cousin….he was married to Brody’s daughter. He and his family lived just north of Lawrence Avenue on Hamlin. Philip took office after my uncle retired.
The alderman was Phil Shapiro.
Hi Bloggers, It just took me 1 and1/2 hours to read all the comments in this section of Me and My Shadow. It is great fun going back in time and reminiscing. I am probably older than most of you according to the years you graduated. I graduated from Von in 1954…and most of you went to Haugan. I went to Volta. But to comment on what you have been talking about…..Arnie: you mentioned working at Glick’s just as many of you have. But you said one of your customers was an alderman. I think it was probably my uncle, H.L. Brody. He was also the ward committeeman of the 39th Ward. He lived in the two flat overlooking the tennis court at Jensen Park. Every Saturday morning he asked me to go to Glick’s to get the newspaper for him. Seeing the picture of the Albany Park Hebrew Congregation on Wilson brought back memories. I was confirmed from there and I, too, went to the “JPI” and Jensen Park.
Brown’s Pet Shop was where we bought “Baby” our parakeet. Yesterday I was on a different page of this blog and talking about the stores west of Springfield Avenue where I grew up. I was thinking about the drug store on Springfield and Lawrence and could not remember the name of it. So thanks to one of the bloggers here for reminding me that it was Schusters.
You spoke of Smokey Joe’s on Maxwell Street….but that name didn’t ring a bell for me. My dad worked as the manager of Rubin’s and also Gabel’s Clothes on Halsted and Maxwell. We would go to Gold’s Restaurant on the corner. Now that was in the late 40s and early 50s and may have been before your time. But what a bustling area that was….everyone coming down there looking for a bargain. Also, on the open street market where you could buy almost anything off those carts.
Well thanks for the memories! When I went back to Chicago about 7 years ago and we drove through Halsted Street…..it certainly wasn’t the same and I couldn’t even pick out the store that my dad worked in. I now live in West Palm Beach, FL. and have been here since 1969, and whenever I see a car driving by with ILL license plates, I still get homesick….even though this is paradise.
Some of you spoke about the AZA and BBG. What a great organization that was for the Jewish youth of the area. I was in the Rosalie Herzog BBG and most of our girls went to Von and Roosevelt. We met other teens from the west side and had socials with them. Once a month the officers of the different clubs would go downtown and we had meetings for them at the main office located at 100 No. LaSalle St. I was president of my group and it was super meeting kids from all over the city and sharing our ideas.
Does anyone know if AZA and BBG is still in existence?
Ed Barkan, I can’t believe it Boy Ed we had some good times together in our young youth. You were one tough guy. Remember me Paul Warshawsky Roosevelt class of Jan/60 exactly 55 Years ago this month! Amazing! Glad you’re well
The girl on the left…who after all these years just recently discovered is not Helene Vision, but Rella Croft…sorry about the spelling if it is incorrect. David
Eliza, I’ll have to check in with David on this. Thanks for stopping by.
Two of the girls in the Haugan schoolyard are incorrectly identified. The first girl is not Helene Suvetor (don’t know who it is) and the girl identified as Roberta Young is Roberta Friedman.
I think that some of my club brothers would be up for it; I know some of my own seniors thought it was a good idea. Call me, 847 650 1018, DAvid
Hi Howard,
How is the old community doing ?There is no snow coming here in The Valley Of The Sun!!
Come visit when winter hits in Chicagoland.There are few Funny Fellows here from the late 1950’s.
Hi, Howard, sorry for the delay in posting your comment.I’m sure David will respond to you.
It was great reading the comments above. I was a Funnyfellow from 1963 through 1966, when the clubs died, but still have my original Funnyfellow Jacket, which is over 50 years old. It would be great to gave a all year Funnyfellow reunion. David Schoeneman, do you think it would be impossible to get this reunion together? I would help. Thank David. Please let me know.
Hey Ray, Great post. I met you again after about 48 yrs. at your get together in Fox lake in August.
Hi, Ray. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your recollections of Albany Park. I’ve always wanted to spend more time researching the history of Albany Park bands from the early 60s.
My brother Mitch and I moved to Albany Park IN 1962 into the big yellow apartment building located at 3552 Sunnyside and attended Haugen for grammar school and graduated from RHS in 1968.
I was a funny fellow and prior to that I formed my own club and named it The Sir Royals and our members were really a reflective mix of the faces of our rapidly changing neighborhood around the year 1964.
We were so fortunate to be playing ball and meeting at Jensen Park with friends from so many different ethnic and religious backgrounds and also to be exposed to the first wave of segregation since RHS and Von Steuben were at the end of the elevated line and convenient for African American transfer students to commute to. I remember so many small businesses on Lawrence Avenue such as those already mentioned and Lester’s Soda Shop, The Lox King, Smiling Sam’s, Rudishes ,Lorren Buick, The Yellow Cab Garage, Meirs Bakery, Archies Hot Dogs, Napoli Pizza, Harrys, Cooper and Cooper, The Terminal Grill, Sir Drakes,Steinlaufs Bike Shop, Little Al’s Record Shop and of course the little basement store in the middle of the 4400 block of Central Park that was named Siegel’s Grocery Store’ ‘the little store that had everything from penny licorice to crew sox and all items in between.
Speaking of store fronts I have been a musician all of my life and when the neighborhood really started to decline landlords were desperate to rent out their non heated spaces and a group of us neighborhood musicians rented space on Lawrence Avenue as rehearsal spots where we really had the chance to develop our skills and learned to play in the cold until one of the musician’s dad’s built us a hillbilly wood burning heater out of a 55 gallon drum with an illegal chimney with heat supplied by the wood scraps from the Crafty Beaver located on Montrose near Harding.
I would like to thank all of the prior posters for helping me to recall so many of my fond Albany Park Memories and I have to make mention that we did have some angels looking out for us boys such as Harry Springer who was the director at Jensen Park and Manny Weincord that took in all of us strays first at the JCC on Wilson Avenue prior to his teaching and coaching stay at RHS.
Ibid you all good day and memories and that includes the Greaser’s,Duupers, the kids from the Yeshiva and all of our other folks of our former Albany Park Life.
I remember working with you and your father.He was a great boss,he taught me a lot about filling rx’s etc.Charlie was an icon in Albany Park and Glick’s.He would on occasion let me buy a silver dollar from the register.Many good memories.I felt guilty when I went to work at Walgreen’s on Lawrence and Sawyer.I remember when your dad and Mr.Scwabe come by and saw me working there.Be well.
Ted: I just read your notice in ” Me & My Shadow “. Aaron Finn was my father. I was thrilled to hear about your employment at Glick Drugs. I also remember Leo, Sport the cat, the T H & C, cutting up samples, riding the bike, and much much more. The one person you neglected to mention was Charlie, he was the best. You must have been a great employee to have left making $ 1,25/hour. We lived at 4615 N. Lawndale, directly next to the synagogue and across from the park. I myself went to Haugen, butt we moved when I was in 4th grade.
Anyhow it was great hearing about your days in Albany Park.
Bruce Fin
Hi, Ted. Thanks for joining us! You’ll be one of our advisors on Lawrence Avenue history. Since you’ve just joined us, I’ll tell you about my longterm project to create a listing of all Lawrence Avenue businesses from the 40s-60s. I’ve been planning it for ages and have started, but keep getting too busy to finish it. Thanks again for all these recollections.
Boy oh boy oh boy what a blog discovery! I worked at Glick’s drug store form 1953 thru 1958, all through Roosevelt High School, from 6-11 PM and 4 hours on the weekend. What a place. At the time I started Glick’s was owned by Ben Falk (older who died in 1956) and Aaron Finn. Leo Bleicher was a pharmacist who worked for them; he fed Sport the store cat Dixie cup ice cream in the basement where there were these large brown jumping spiders. It was there that I filled 4oz bottles with Terpin Hydrate & Codeine cough syrup (great stuff with a lot of alcohol; they should only have it today) from gallon bottles for sale. Also cut drug samples into bottles from the Doctors next door given to Glick’s. Counted reducing pills (amphetamines – boy what value today) form a 50000 pill drum into small bottles. I also delivered RXs on those old bikes. Started at 50c an hour, left at $1.25.
I lived at 3253 W. Lawrence Avenue in a one bedroom apartment on the top floor above the Woolworth’s.
I also went to Drake Shul and was Bar mitzvahed in 1953. Ialso remember another rabbi; the kind Rabbi Gottleib. Gotta go now.
I remember you. It took a while for me to draw up a mental image of you from the past.
This is correct. All the names are only too familiar. I started at Drake. However I later transferred to and was Bar Mitzvahed from Temple Beth Israel and stayed on an additional year and was confirmed ( I guess this was what it was called) You really have a good memory
I may be incorrect on the following…but I think not. I believe that we even went to Hebrew School together.. Drake Ave, Beth Itzchok on Drake and Leland, with Mr. Gassel and Rabbil Mlodik. Regards, David
Not everyone worked at the Lawrence Avenue Maling Bros. I was out at the Milwaukee, . Ashland and Division store with one of the Funny Fellows, Chick Berson. I still remember his old Studebaker convertible with red “leather” seats (that were ice cold in the winters) that he used to drive me to the train station after work. We never used “22” because one did not really want to find out what was lurking under the skirts of our costumers…many of whom were old, from eastern Europe and with size 10’s (a bit of an exaggeration… they were really very nice people and a pleasure to work with). I was one of the salesman who was handed the 5’s to sell, generally by George Shaffrin (remember him..the personnel manager, everyone was afraid of him but when you sat down talk with him, he was really a nice guy…he .had been a High School History teacher). Really incredible and valuable experience. Made use of the skills i acquired in everything I have done since..if one thinks about it , everything we do has an element of selling buried in it. When I Iecture, when publish,when i write grant applications, I am selling myself and my ideas. Actually sold at 4 different locations (Store#1, Store #2, Milwaukee-Irving Park, Sheridan Road) and got to know all of the Maling Brothers…the job put me through college.
Arnie…when you say that there are not too many Torpedoes left, what age group are you . talking about? I graduated in ’58,and most of us are still around. Bob (Urbon)…Nate Katz passed away, I think Barry Kaplan is still alive, but not entirely sure; his wife Karen is still alive. Bruce (Finn)…I remember Glick’s, not only because of the incredible Soda Fountain and that “special” aroma of a drug store. Glick’s was also one of the few places where i could buy the chemicals for the chemistry experiments I was running at home. These experiments were why i eventually went into the field of and obtained my Ph.D. in Chemistry. So,I owe your family a debt of gratitude for my career…thank you.
Shame on you Dave.(LOL)
A 22 was when you were taking care of an especially attractive young lady with a very short skirt…one of the guys would say 22; you were then obliged…if you had the nerve, to lift her leg up high enough for the guys to see what was under that skirt.
I do not remember the term “22”. Please enlighten me.
Bob Urbon,
We all worked at Maling’s Shoe Store, 3249 W. Lawrence. A five was when you were unable to sell a customer; you had to turn it over to another salesman, usually somebody with some more experience. But the real question is, do you remember what a 22 was?
Lenny, thanks for stopping by. I’m always interested in posting photos of the neighborhood.
I graduated Haugan in 1970 – (lived at 4635 N. Lawndale) – afterwards I moved away from Albany Park. In the 1960’s I used to go to Glick’s, Maury’s, Brown’s Bird Hospital, Sol’s Barber Shop, etc…
I just want all of you to know that I appreciate those who were in Albany Park at that time –
and it’s great to see the photos and posts from the people who lived in the neighborhood. I’d be interested in seeing more Albany Park photos of the 1960’s. Wishing all of you the best.
Ed thanks for stopping by. Feel free to share your own memories.
Just found this web site and brought back old memories. I live in Atlanta, Ga. and head south Florida for the Winter.
I worked at Glick’s from 1956 to 1959,was a great place to work.Mr Finn was a great boss,Bruce and David were fun.The best was Old Charlie all the old Bubies and Zadies loved Charlie.He spoke better Yiddish than the rest of us put together.Nice memories of the customers which included an alderman and local doctors. That old bike that was used for deliveries was a saddle sore maker.Thanks for the memories ,Bruce I hope you are well.
Hi, Bruce. I’m sorry it took so long to reply, but I’ve been travelling. It’s good to hear from you and your recollections of the neighborhood.
Boy do some of these stories bring back memories. My Father owned Glick Drug Store, on Lawrence and Lawndale. We lived at 4615 Lawndale, the first building next to Albany Park Congregation. My sister and mystelf went to Max Strauss Center and Haugen before moving to West Rodgers Park. Those were the good old days. I rembember going into the chicken store, and picking out which one you wanted for dinner, and then it would beheaded and feathered. The street car, the Terminal, and Morey’s Hotdogs.
I could go on and on. I have trouble remembering yesterday, but I can remember making sodas at Glicks like it was yeaterday.
Hi Arnie. Yes, Joel taught at Haugan for many years. He is retired now. I live in Fountain Hills, the other side of the earth from Sun City! Is that where most of the others live? I met Earl Chernoff at a wedding several years ago. He and his wife Rosalind Siegal lived in Centeal Phoenix but I think they may have moved to Scottsdale. Phyllis (Abrams) Leader and her husband Michael Leader, both Roosevelt grads, just moved to Gilbert. Max Perlman (Jan 61) lives in Scottsdale. There are lots of us out here.
Hi Betty,
Didn’t Joel teach at Haugan?There was a group of Ex-Albany Parkers that had brunch together in Feb. at a restaurant just outside of Sun City West.Check the Facebook blog ,I grew up in Albany Park.Where in AZ do you live?
Hi, Betty. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your memories. Visit again soon!
I graduated Haugan School in June 1957 and Roosevelt HS in 1961. What a great blog! Really brought back memories. I hung out at the Terminal on Friday nights with my cousin Charna (Opensky) Spies. She passed away a few years ago. Also my cousin Joel Strauss graduated with me. We all went to the “J” after school. I went to preschool there and day camp. I remember Sadie K very well. She sure “ruled the school”with an iron fist but she was very good to me. Thank you so much for this blog. I also live in Arizona now.
Betty Palles
Les, thanks for visiting this website and sharing your memories of school days.
Hi Arnie:
I was in the Torpedoes (we must have been the first “Jr.” group), grew up in the Shirley Apartments at 4643 N. Central Park. Spent all my “younger” years at Haugan. Probably knew Sadie K better than most students, since i was being hauled off to her office all the time…which also meant she knew my parents well since, in those days, your going to the office meant that your parents got called in and you “caught it” when you got home. Graduated from Roosevelt in ’58. Although some of the guys in our Torpedo group have passed on, many of us are still around, and we get a chance to see each other at the 5 year reunions of our HS graduating class. This is also where we see many of the LDF’s. The photos brought back many warm memories. Jensen Park, where we used to play line ball all summer before were old enough to work, and of course came home with scraped bleeding knees because of the gravel; where all of teh softball games were played; the “J” aka Max Strauss Center, where we used to play basketball and of course shoot pool. Shame the building is no longer there. Your pic of the facade of the Lawndale synagogue really chronicles what has happened to the community over time, with the cross and I guess Korean writing.
Thanks much for this blog.
Albany Park back in the day was the greatest place to grow up.
Arnie, I mentioned you to my sister and she remembers you.
Also I wonder if anyone remembers the Chevrons. Nate Katz, Mike Levin, Kenny Goldblatt, Barry Kaplan. Friday nights a the Terminal Theater, Mitch’s Hot Dogs, Rudiches, Purity Restaurant, Dancing on the tennis Courts AT Max Strauss (The “J”)
Many of us that live in AZ,miss Albany Park and the good old days.I miss Cooper And Cooper,Mitch’s,Morries and all the sounds and smells of Lawrence Ave.
it was great seeing all the pictures, my little brother is Mickey Graber. I remember him and his friends always being at our apartment We lived at 4621 N. Lawndale across from Jensen Park and Max Strauss Center….what memories….we all live in Arizona now love it but really miss Chicago………
Hi, Arnie. Thanks for stopping by.What other places do you remember?
I remember the Max Strauss Center learning to play basketball with Manny Weincord.
Thank you for visiting. I would love to have your former classmates visit and possibly share their memories of Albany Park. You can just give them the URL (address) of the blog:
Thanks, Frances
Thank you for the trip down memory lane. We have a fifty year reunion for Haugan grammar school coming up. I would love to share this with my classmates on the Haugan elementary School facebook group page. Would that be alright and how do I do it?
Linda, I’m going to take your email address off the blog so that you don’t end up getting a lot of spam as a result of having it on this website. That’s happened before. Also, I am hoping to get the photos of Brynwood restaurant when you get them from Sharon. Best wishes, Frances
@Frances > I enjoyed the old photos and David’s fond memories and photographs. A very enjoyable trip back in time. Your blog is always a pleasure to read and remember. I met David Schoeneman and Howie Levine when I was a junior in high school at Von. Although they were four years older than I, we spent time many fun times together. I last saw David a few times when I was in college and always wondered what happened to him. If my memory serves me right, @Don Fosse > I think David’s brother’s name was Terry, not Larry (but I also seem to recall a brother, Barry). I also recall David (and his brother?) working at Smokey Joe’s on Maxwell Street. My Dad worked at Smokey Joes when he was putting himself through law school, so I always remembered that. I met David’s father once and thought he was charming. David and Howie Levine had a secret code or language between them and used to laugh and say, “AJ” when girls walked by. Although I have a few ideas about what that meant, I’d love to hear their literal translation :-). Howie Levine worked at a gas station during those years for extra money. What ever happened to him? David, thank you for sharing the Lawrence Avenue information and your precious photos. Frances, I can be contacted for more information through my Facebook page or through the group page I started a few years ago on Facebook: “Peterson Park, Hollywood Park, Chicago’s best in the 50’s and 60’s” or via e-mail. Thanks again for the memories.
Hi, Annarina. Thanks for visiting. None of us can remember how long its been.
Thanks for sharing. I remember these pictures like it was yesterday. Can’t beleve it’s been soo many years ago.
Hi, Karen. What an interesting connection to neighborhood history. I am guessing you may find that some of your former Haugen classmates are readers of this blog.As far as Purity Deli, it was very popular and many of stories about it. Anyone care to tell Karen a little more about the Purity Deli? Thanks for stopping by.
I started reading the comments in this blog because I have a patient who when asked what was on his bucket list said “I would love a corned beef or tongue sandwich from the Purity in Chicago”. I goggled Purity Deli and this was all that came up. One of the interesting parts of all this is that my great Aunt Mae worked at this deli for many years, and I went to Haugan School through the first 1/2 of 4th grade. I remember the principal, she terrified me. I remember her pulling the ear lobe of students as she dragged them down to her office. I graduated from grammar school in 1957 after my family moved to Mt. Prospect.
The other place my patient reminded me of was the Buffalo ice cream Parlour. As a hospice chaplain I encourage life review and this patient has helped me to do this in the midst of his doing it. I also remember one of my classmates, whose a name I believe was Marlene, said her cousin was Eddie Fischer. I have enjoyed all the memories my patient and the those who have written here have given me. Thanks, Karen Ingvoldstad
Paul, thanks for stopping by. Wonderful bits of neighborhood history. I promise one day much of this will appear in my ambitious project on the history of Lawrence Avenue.
Jim, I actually already have a few pictures of the building, but thanks a million for the offer.
Paul, just read your comment about 4735 N. Bernard. We lived in that building from about late 66? until sometime in 68 or 69.We were on the 3rd. Fl. & the balconies were great in the summertime.At the time we were there I think our landlords were a couple named Diestl. I recently took a few pics of the building& will send them to you if you’d like.
Dear Frances,
I’ve written to you a few times on your Hollywood Park/Bryn Mawr Avenue sites where I lived from 1958 after leaving the west side, until 1961 when we moved to Los Angeles. I’ve just discovered this site which also brings back memories to me because of the close connection I had to Albany Park as well.
Stuart Moskovitz writes that he lived at 4735 N. Bernard St. My grandparents, the Pearlmans, also lived at 4735 N. Bernard St. on the 2nd floor from 1959 when they left the west side until 1962, when they joined us in Los Angeles. I spent a great deal of time there with them. The landlords were Mr. and Mrs. Cohen. I recall that my grandparents used to go to the “Golden Age Club” at the Max Strauss Center on Wilson. The president, I remember, was a Mr. Yam. Whenever I’m in Chicago, I go to that court building where my grandparents lived and gaze at the second-floor balcony where they used to sit in the summer and read the “Forward” (a Yiddish newspaper). I don’t know in which years Mr. Moskovitz lived there, but he may also have known other relatives of ours who lived in that same building for many years, Sharon and Bonnie Shanoff, who lived at 4737 and 4741 N Bernard St (same court building, other entrances). They went to Haugan and then Roosevelt and are now in their middle-late sixties. Their mother, Sylvia, was the cashier at the Terminal Delicatessen/Restaurant on the south side of Lawrence Avenue, just east of the Ravenswood L Terminal at Kimball. It was actually the Shanoffs who found that apartment for my grandparents when they were ready to leave the west side.
My father operated a Sinclair gas station at 3555 W Lawrence Av (south-east corner of Lawrence & Central Park). In 1960 or 1961, the gas station caught fire and burned down. It’s now an empty lot.
The “A” and “B” semesters ended in September, 1961. In the spring semester, 1961, I was in 6A at Peterson School. About a week before the semester ended in June, and we were leaving Peterson for good to begin 7B at Von Steuben Upper Grade Center beginning that September, a group of 6B students joined our class. They were the ones who would be double-promoted and begin 7th grade with us at Von Steuben that fall. The remaining 6B students were recommended to stay at Peterson another year to do the complete 6th grade and begin 7th grade at Von Steuben in September, 1962.
Frances, thank you for your time and energy preparing this forum for us to reminisce of days gone by.
Paul Malevitz
I want photos if you all get together! Send me a note through the contact form and then I will reply with my email.
Ben ,
Great idea !!Let me talk to Orrin and see what we can all come up with.By the way there no hurricanes or high humidity in AZ.Enjoy
I will definitely do that. Maybe we can get an AZA alum kind of thing together based on Al Jolson and share some of that history with this website to put some AZA BBG history into the Albany Park story; it is definitely needed What do you think?
Ben ,
I am on Facebook,also have a listed phone number.I live in Sun City West,AZ.(post office) actually in an unincorporated area of Maricopa County(Home of Sheriff Joe.Look me up I would love to speak to you.Correct Ed did pass away,Sam is still living in IL.
Great hearing from you.
Hi Arnie
I truly cannot believe this; now two great guys from my past who remember me and that infamous car. I just posted to Orrin and went back to look and there you were. I really appreciate your mention of more of the guys, I do indeed now remember Jay and Shelly once I have names to place with memories.
This all began for me on this site when I saw it was about Albany Park among many other things, but no memtion about AZA and BBG. I wrote the site owner about that and she was interested so I hoped to find other Al Jolson alums and maybe add some of that history.
I’m in Florida and almost never meet anyone from Chicago. I guess most folks from my hometown go Southwest for better weather. I got here from Baltimore and a 40 year career with the Fed.
Let me put two other names out and see what happens; Sam Spector and Eddie Piltz. I have no idea about Sam and unfortunitely I think Eddie passed away a number of years ago.
Arnie, with you and Orrin now on site can we figure out how to keep this going. The site would love to add AZA and BBG to the history of Albany Park so maybe that can be the key.
I can’t stop smiling about what happened today.
Be well and take care!
Hi Orrin
This whole thing is a bit unreal, but really great. A person from my distant past and actually remember me and that crazy car.
Orrin, how are you and where are you; I am in Florida? If it is possible I would love to e-mail and exchange memories. The site manager has my e-mail but I don’t know if she can sent it to you.
The Chicago northside was the very time of my life, and I do miss it, except for the weather. I always think of it as a combination of the best of people and place. Orrin you definitely fit into the best of people and I am so glad to be communicating with you.
I hope we can stay connected in the modern electronic world even though I never actually learned to type.
Be well and take care!
Long way from Albany Park to Northbrook, isn’t it? Thanks from stopping by.
Haugan class of 1948
Roosevelt h.s. class of jan.52
From Albany pk. To northbrook,
Still on this side of the grass……..
Hi Ben–
How could I forget you–with the black Olds zipping up and down the streets.
I remember you and your souped up gas guzzling Olds.I remember we were speeding on Edens when it first opened up.I still talk to Jay Rosenblum ,Orrin Brand,Shelly Zeiler.I live in AZ now.Where are you ?
Hello to all! I did not live in Albany Park but spent alot of time there in the mid-50s. Does anyone remember me? I have written Frances about the AZAs and BBGs that existed at that time. I was in Al Jolson AZA. I think that AZA and BBG were an important part of the Jewish community in Albany Park. If anyone has an interest in providing Frances with infomation about that part of life in Albany Park in 1950s, count me in.
I wonder just how many of us worked at Maling Brothers Shoes.
Anyone remember what a “Five” was
Regarding the pet shop and bird hospital on Harding and Lawrence Ave. mentioned by Bob Urbon. My grandfather Harry Anelis worked in the barber shop one of a few doors down (east) from it on Lawrence, I remember as a kid in the 1950s passing the pet shop to go around the corner from the barber shop to Harding to enter the apartment building above it to visit my grandmother. It was always fun to look in the window of the pet shop when passing by.
I remember Sadie K. Well.
My dog ran away (German Shepard named Bing). My mother went to school with me to tell her I would not be at school that day as I had to search for my dog.
Sadie K just about had a Cow!
Also, i delivered for a and worked at Schuster Pharmacy On Lawrence and Springfield.
I remember Sadie K.,she was strict but fair.I worked at Glicks for 4 years,must have pedaled 2500 miles on that bike.Mr Finn was a wonderful man.
I remember Sadie K. like it was yesterday.My cheeks are still red from her pinching them.I worked at Glicks for almost four years.
Hi , Marty. Thanks for visiting. Thanks for contributing to our collection of memories here.
IWho remembers Sadie K. Kalman principal at Haugan School. Or Glicks Drug store and Charlie their delivery man.
just read the comment by Stuart Moskovitz. What a coincidence,the bldg. he lived in @ 4735 N. Bernard is the same bldg. we lived in 66-67.We lived on the 3rd. floor.
Good Luck Stuart, I know of a few others from our class who live in Huntley. I’m sure you’ll meet them and it will feel like home.
Stuart, good luck with your move and congrats on your great-grandson. Always glad to hear from you.
The story by David Schoeneman also evoked memories for me. I went to Roosevelt with him, his brother Barry, Arnie Solars, and Mickey Graber.
I was in the Top Hats 1955-1959. Sorry I don’t have any pictures.
Our “clubbrothers” were from Volta,Haugan,Hibbard, and Bryant on the West Side. Most of our classmates were from Albany Park and Bryant and we were reunited at RHS. We met at Deborah which is where we hung out after school,went to dances,and played in the basketball tournaments.
I’m glad some one mentioned Mitches. I lived across the street at 4735 N. Bernard. I walked to Hibbard and RHS was across the street. Instead of working at Malings many of us worked at the library near Central Park.
I have many fond memories of Albany Park and am saddened by the transformation that has taken place. I visit there once every few years when I come back to see my kids,brothers,and grandchildren. I left 25 years ago and have lived in California,Richmond,Charlotte, and Fort Mill,SC where I live now. Were it not for the weather I never would have left. I have never found a city, or neighborhood that I would rather live in. Chicago has it all.
But one never knows the curves life throws at you. We now have a great grandson so we are moving back (when we sell our house) to a retirement community in Huntley,Ill.
Now I will become a tourist in my hometown; only now I will know where I’m going.
I know this is a long post so I will not take exception if you publish and edit it.
Frances thanks for the great work you are doing.
Stuart Moskovitz
Sorry Bob, I’m not that Jim
Would that be “Jim Cash” The CPA ?
Arnie, Thank You. I thought I recognized that name
It is the Barry that you remember.
Arnie Solars
Just read a comment on here from Fred Abrams. I’d almost forgotten about Simon Bros. bakery. I used to go in there all the time. I went to high school w/ Harold Himmelman? & if I remember correctly his Mom worked @ Simon Bros. for a long time. I wonder if Mr. Abrams remembers Max’s trading post which was almost next door. Also read a comment by a Mr.Solars about the Schoeneman bros. I believe that Barry owned a clothing store on Lawrence just west of Kedzie (Barry’s Young Man’s World ?) I bought my 1st. Cabretta leather jacket from him in 66or67? I’m not sure but it may be the same Barry that Mr. Solars mentioned.
Browns also had a facility on Pulaski north of Lawrence that housed a variety of pets/animals. It was semi open air and a little scary to me. Also had a pretty rough odor.
Correction Bob,I never told her how I felt.
“Cuddles” wasn’t he the manager ?Maury’s was a great man and his food was great.Ask your sister if she remembers me.I had a crush on her and told her.How about the Terminal Grill ?
Of course, Mary is my mother and Barbara is my sister.
I think a hot dog at Maury’s along with a handful of fries and a drink was about 25 cents.
Who remembers “Cuddles” at the Terminal?
I remember the Bird Hospital well Always took my sick bird there.Mary always was the greatest person to deal with.I graduated from Haugan with Barbara .Great days.
Hi Frances,
Sorry About the name confusion.
The business was “Brown’s Bird Hospital”, 3924 W Lawrence Ave.
Hi, Bob. It’s Frances, not Fred. Thanks for writing, because I hadn’t heard about your parents’ pet shop and I am creating a list of all the businesses on Lawrence. Can you tell me the name of the business? I’m sure you’ll come across some familiar names if you look through the comments on posts I’ve written about Albany Park. I know at least one other person mentioned the Chevrons.
Hello Fred,
Your site really brings back memories.
I graduated from Haugen and spent my freshman year at Roosevelt.
I then attended a private school for 2 years then moved back to the south side.
I have fond memories of the neighborhood, My club (Chevrons SAC) Maury’s, Mitch’s
The Terminal, The “J” (Max Strauss), Purity, Etc.
My Parents had a pet shop and bird hospital on Harding and Lawrence.
I often wonder (not that I want to go back), what all my peers are doing now.
Hi, Fred. There’s a few mentions of Mutt and Jeff’s buried in the comments. But you’ve given me the names of a few bakeries I didn’t know about. One of these days I have to make new posts of just the great commentary to the blogs. I discovered the pit in high school — soooo good. Thanks for stopping by.
I was acquainted with Dave’s younger brother Mark… we were both in either Mixed Chorus or Choir at Roosevelt. He was a pretty funny dude.
I went to Hibbard for Kindergarten through 2B, and used to swim on “boys” days at River Park Pool. Never ate at The Pit (on Foster, west of Kedzie) though I rode my bike past it repeatedly. Caught garter snakes and spiders in the “prairie” that turned into North Park College. Went to The Terminal every weekend of grammar school and was told that the kids from the reform school on Foster and Central Park were the only ones allowed in the balcony.
When when my folks moved to 5012 Central Park I went to Volta from 2A through graduation in ’63 and then Rosey City, graduating 6/67.
Albany Park was a great place for a kid to grow up. We spent most of the time when it was warm playing in the alley even though it was a short walk to Eugene Field Park. Imagine a kid bragging about how much time he spent playing in an alley these days!
I’m surprised that nobody has mentioned Mutt and Jeff’s hotdogs on Kedzie near Ainslie, or Liss’ Bakery, or the original Bagel right off the alley (across from Alba Bowling) immediately north of Lawrence. All through high school I’d stop every day at Simon Bros Bakery on Lawrence between Drake and Central Park.
I never was asked to join a SAC (must’ve been too much of a dweeb).
These posts are great. Thanks for taking an interest.
To Don Fosse,
I also graduated from Haugen and Roosevelt HIgh.Dave Schoeneman has 3 brothers,Barry,Terry and Mark.Barry lives in Phoenix and has a men’s store on Camelback and Central in Phoenix.I lived at 4656 N.Central Park, I feel that going up in Albany when we did was great.My children missed the opportunity because of living in the suburbs.Belonging to SAC and AZAs was a great experience.Frances ,Thank you for the opportunity to relive those great times of my life.
Hi, Don. thanks for the comment. I didn’t think I had Torpedos on my SAC list, but I did. What were the colors? Were your members all from Roosevelt or from different schools? What was your class year? Do you have a photo to contribute? Send me a note via the contact form and I’ll give you my email if you’d like to send it in. Thanks.
Growing up at 4638 N. Hamlin and graduating from Roosevelt in January ’61, I sure remember all the local venues. As I recall, Dave Shoeneman had a brother, Larry?, and in later years I think they both worked at Smokey Joe’s on Halsted and Maxwell streets. I was a Torpedo and earned three varsity letters playing basketball and one for being on the stage and light crew. We just had a Torpedo reunion last month in Chicago where 24 out of the remaining 29 Torpedoes attended. Thanks for the great memories.
Nick’s Pizza was wonderful,great beef sandwiches.Hot Dog places were great Especially Morrie’s .The eating places in Albany Park could not be duplicated.Fond memories of them.
Thanks Frances-ready to help on Lawrence history anytime. Bobs Mitches hot dogs reference brings back a name that was eluding me from a place I remember.
Bob, what a interesting bit of history connecting the Funny Fellows SAC to a restaurant in Phoenix. I’ve got to add that to the original post, as an update. I’d love to post a photograph from back in the day of your club if anyone has one. Send me an email through the contact page.
Also, a lot of people have mentioned Nick’s had great pizza. Thanks for stopping by.
I lived at 4414 N. Bernard. Visited last year and saw that the building was boarded up. Hope they are fixing it rather than tearing it down. My parents owned the Ritz Tap and Grill on Montrose near Kimball, next to Kapps Drug Store, from 1952 to 1957.
I was a member of the first Funny Fellows at Roosevelt. Graduated January 57. Owned and operated Funny Fellows Hot Dogs in Skokie at Lincoln and Main in 1970. Moved to Phoenix in 1972 and opened Funny Fellows Restaurant with my brother in law, Eddie Sheer (1955 Roosevelt grad). Operated it from i973 to 1987. Stayed in touch with some of my club brothers over the years. Jay Byron, Harry Kopol, Irv Dacks, Dave Alpert and Sam Fabian and juniors Mickey Graber, Lyle Coren, Earl Polisky
Spent a lot of time at Nick’s Pizza at Lawrence near Central Park and at Mitches Hot Dogs on Lawrence near Kimball.
Len, that fits in perfectly with the dates I started elementary school. They must have kept the A and B in use for a couple years after they ended the January track. I had in you in mind when I wrote that I needed to get back in touch about the Lawrence Avenue project. Hope to clear some time in two weeks and I’ll send you an email.
I believe the January graduations ended in about 1961 or 1962 for elementary school and anyone on the January track in high school stayed there until they were cycled out. The elementary students were promoted or held back based upon some Board of Ed standards in order to get them on a June graduation track.
Thanks for visiting. David gets all the credit for this one.
Thanks for stopping by, Ardis. Now we know what year the scool boundary switched. I will add your club to the list on this site.
Great pics,spent a lot of time at Max Strauss and Jensen Park,Brought back great memories.Thank you
I grew up at 5039 N. Ridgeway and graduated from Volta in Jan, 1957, mine was the first class to go to Roosevelt HS, (graduated early from summer school, August, ’60)previously Volta graduates went on to Von Stueben. My class graduated Jan,61. We had our 50th class reunion July 2011. WHAT A BLAST!!! No one wanted to leave, we even had one classmate who came from England (David Garlovsky) great to see everyone. About 100 graduates attended the weekend events.
I remember all the places that David sent photos of. We spent lots of time at Max Staruss Center “the J” My clubsisters and I (Cytanas) had meetings there as well. ,
That sounds right David. I have a July birthday, so that is why I was in the “B” classes for first and second grade, although it didn’t mean anything at that point because there were only June graduations.
If I recall correctly the A and B class designations simply represented the fall and spring semesters and each had a cut-off date for entry depending on your birthdate. If you entered in the fall you were a June graduate but if you entered in January you would graduate in January unless you skipped at some point due to academic advancement.