Tickets now available for the all-years reunion at Von Steuben on October 12, 2012. Doors to the auditorium at the north end of the building open at 7 pm and stay open until 10:30 pm.
Tickets are $10 each. You can buy a ticket online now at the Von Steuben Alumni Association website or you can buy tickets at the door. Either way, tickets cost $10 per person, and the money goes to the Von Steuben Alumni Association’s scholarship program.
Remote parking will be available at Roosevelt High School, and there will be continuously running shuttle buses between the remote parking lot and Von.
What else? It wouldn’t be Von without the famous butter cookies. They’ll be on sale in the lunchroom.
See you there. And help spread the word.
Katherine, This event has already taking place. It was nice to be back for a visit.
Anyone from class 1968 going to be there?
Ha. Ha. Never quite mastered the slide rule before they went extinct.
Make sure someone returns the slide rule indicator to room 215. Those involved know who they are…..
Bonnie, yes I’ve heard that. I wonder if every CPS high school had them. I used to eat just the cookie for lunch. Loved them.
they had those cookies at senn, too!!!
I know for a fact you wouldn’t be the only one from Roosevelt there. Hope to meet you face to face.
I’d come for the cookies! YUMMY! I graduated from Roosevelt!