Photograph by Wayne Sorce.
Here’s a photo request from Andy Romanoff, who has contributed to this blog on many occasions in both posts and comments.
Hi all,
I’ve written stories about Albany Park before. You may have already read some of them: Albany Park Cool, Bob & Ikey’s Wedding, and Ghost Chicago: Looking for Things No Longer Here. I’m writing some new ones and I’m looking for help finding pictures from the day. What I want are pictures from the sixties of Alba Bowl, The Bonfire Restaurant, Napoli Pizza, Cooper & Cooper, pictures of all the motorcycles hanging out on Lawrence west of Kimball, pictures of the crowd hanging out in front of Alba, pictures of people like the Lanutti’s Paul Cohen, Seymour Rottenberg, Harold Stokes, Bill Day, Lois Marks, Pat Firedler, Pat and Connie Binder, Ikey and Bob Tenczar, Schmutz, etc. If those names ring a bell, you are the guys I’m talking to. I’m using pictures of the time to illustrate stories I’m writing on my website here https://medium.com/ stories-ive-been-meaning-to- tell-you, If you can help, send me an email at andyrmail+albanypk@gmail.com
Hi, Gerald, Did you mean a copy of the photo of Cooper & Cooper?
Growing up in Albany Park in the ’40’s and ’50’s I remember Cooper & Cooper Diner. Many years later I met a man whose father was a cook there. I was also invited in to the switching building when it was manned by one fellow. The building was a half block north of the current one at the southwest corner of the yard. I would like to get a copy of that Cooper & Cooper Diner.
Hi Chatzy, thanks for the info. I looked for Jimmy Feldman but didn’t find one in Phoenix. Do you have any contact information?
arnie Miller a student at von was a photographer he was always snapping pictures .deceased ,Medford Feldman , was a photographer whose son jimmy in phoenix may have photos.
I remember all of these people but the only pictures I still maintain are in my head.