This was Deborah, Part 2

Marcia Zuckerman contributed this blogpost about the history of Deborah Boys Club. When she was employed at JCYS (Jewish Council for Youth Services), Marcia was part of a research team that uncovered many wonderful aspects of early Jewish immigrant life, especially the Deborah Boys Club.

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My blog had a baby

I’m thrilled to announce the much delayed arrival of my new blog, Chicago Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium Remembered. The poor child is not quite standing on its own feet yet, but eventually I hope to report on the history, the built environment and the people who passed through this important public health facility. The posts I […]

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Goodbye to a friend

I met Marshall Rosenthal about two years ago. While I immediately learned he was a great source for information on Chicago past and present, I didn’t get a chance to know him well enough. I never knew the details of his storied career in Chicago journalism until I read his obituary earlier this week.

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