Many of the SACs listed here met at the Deborah Boys Club, 3401 W. Ainslie, or at the Max Strauss JCC, 3715 W. Wilson. The clubs had members from Von Steuben, Roosevelt, Amundsen, and Mather. Some clubs date back to early 1940s through 1971, but most are late ’50s through mid 1960s. I include a few Junior Clubs (seventh and eighth graders), and I’ve added club colors where I know them. If you have old or current photos of your club, please consider contributing them to this page. Send me an email and I’ll get in touch with you.
ADOs (blue and white)
Alpha Amedas
Anacondas (maroon and gold)

Joel Rapp wearing his Anaconda jacket, purchased at Ned Singer’s Sports around 1958-59. Photograph: (c) Morrie Farbman
The Bagels (Von Steuben 1944)
Beta Phi’s
Cala (Von Steuben 1944)
Chalons (Von Steuben 1944)
Characters (green and white). There was also a Junior Characters club.
Chevrons (blue and gray)
Cobegos (blue and gold?)
Condors (blue and gold)
Cytanas (girl club)
Emanons (girl club, mid to late 1960s)
Eis, 1950s, at Von Steuben
ELs (Ever Lasting)
Epsilons (black and gold)
Funny Fellows
Jesters (red and white)
Jovens Roosevelt High School club.
Jovens, 1954 or ’55.
L’Aiglons (Von Steuben 1944)
La Medolas (girl club mid to late 1960s)
Lil Gents Mostly Von, also Roosevelt and Amundsen
LDFs Roosevelt High School girls club. Jr. LDF’s at Haugen. Photo circa 1956. Courtesy of Janet (Fensin) Klee.
Lucky 6s (late 1930s-Peterson School)
Regular Fellas (royal blue and gold)
SEMCOs (Von Steuben, around 1950-54)
Senior Pi’s Girls club at Von
Sovereigns The Sovereigns was a boys club, started at Peterson School in 1948. Initially there were twelve members, all Jewish. Ten of the members went on to Von Steuben. There were junior clubs and I believe the Sovereigns lasted into the 1960s.
Tau Gamma
Top Hats (black and white with red trim)

Top Hats at age 16. Photo courtesy of Mike Stein.

Top Hats at 50th anniversary party. Photo courtesy of Mike Stein.
Torpedoes (navy and gray with white trim)
Vulcans started in 1946, the first club at Peterson Elementary School.