Perfect day for walking in the footsteps of local history and discovering the beauty that was hidden behind the green fence surrounding the Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium from 1915 to 1974.

Perfect day for walking in the footsteps of local history and discovering the beauty that was hidden behind the green fence surrounding the Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium from 1915 to 1974.
Join me for a talk and walk about the history of the Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium–a hidden city within the city.
The Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium on Chicago’s far north side once was a place that frightened neighborhood children and once was a place of misery, as a physician wrote in a comment to my earlier post. Today, it’s a very accessible, much-treasured public resource serving many people and many purposes. Most of the original buildings were demolished, but […]
A seemingly endless stretch of wilderness faced the house I grew up in on Chicago’s far north side. Dense stands of old-growth trees stood guard around its perimeter. Looking west from our front door, all I could see beyond the green chain-link fence was grass, trees and a tall dark tower. As we know from […]