I hoped seeing the pictures would jog my memory, but so far no soap. What they did do was remind me of what we looked like in the sixties, hanging out on the corner with attitude most of the time, but pretty conservative in the important moments.

I hoped seeing the pictures would jog my memory, but so far no soap. What they did do was remind me of what we looked like in the sixties, hanging out on the corner with attitude most of the time, but pretty conservative in the important moments.
“We all hung out just west of Kimball on Lawrence, north side of the street. There were enough bikes and we made enough trouble that the police came.”
If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you know milestones of this magnitude are few and far between in the history of Hollywood Park.
A parade of stars once swept through the doors of 610 N. Fairbanks Court in Streeterville. Lines formed around the block to see the likes of Louis Armstrong, Billie Holiday, Milton Berle, Sophie Tucker, Jimmy Durante, Tony Bennett, Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis, Jr., and Bob Hope performing at the Chez Paree supper club.
It’s not New York, it’s not a diner, it’s not an image of urban loneliness, but Allan Zirlin’s photograph of Segal’s Shoes at the corner Lawrence and Sawyer reminds me of Edward Hopper’s painting, Nighthawks. Zirlin shot this photograph out a car window sometime in the 1950s.
My blog niche is drifting. It’s headed towards Chicago and, more often than not, Chicago as it’s remembered. Not only in my memories, but in the memories of others as well. My blog posts may, however, still fit the niche I carved — life, work and the Internet. The Internet is increasingly where we find memories. It’s where we find […]
One day years ago, as I rode my bike through the old Chicago neighborhood known as Wicker Park, I glimpsed at what looked like Hebrew lettering on a brick building with a blue cross. I stopped to investigate and discovered the building formerly housed Temple Beth-El.